Jun 11, 2005 10:41
My party went great!! Even though my friends didn't do the dare I wanted them to. I wish Chris would have been there but I understand you didn't know about it. My computer still isn't working...I need to take it to best buy or something...it won't even turn on!! :( My mother is going to start working from 7 am to 7 pm now so I am on my own for a while. She is going to start being off on tuesday, friday, saturday, and sunday though. I gotta go spend some money somewhere because money is burning a hole in my pocket. I wonder if my parents left me the car today????? Maybe I will call someone and like go to lunch. Nevermind that takes too much work to actually call around to see who is available. More than likely no one is available and then it would just make me depressed at how I have no life (just kidding I have a life just not on somedays) I should actually clean up some, but why do it now when you can put it off until 7 and have a whole hour to do it. I am such a procrastinator. l8r