Title: Mother Father
Pairing: YabuHika
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Summary: Hikaru want to have a daughter. With Yabu as his wife~ Argh! Sorry, I really suck at summary!
A/N: I’m so sorry! I’m not really sure with this one! I know I may be failed this time! But this is for
yabuhika4ever …. And for the new community
yabuhika ~ I've just finished this fic when they made the community! LOL XD Yay! Again, this is un-betaed. And again, there will be tons of grammar errors… T.T Btw, I got this idea from
joey4100 ’s translation
HERE~ XD And because I was lazy to think something up for the title, I ended up use Kattun's song, Mother Father as the title~ XP
Hope you enjoy it~ XD
Hikaru was on the couch with Inoo. They were discussing the latest game they’ve tried. Suddenly, Yabu approached them with an orange juice and placed it on the table beside them.
“Thanks,” Hikaru smiled at him then continued to chat with Inoo. Inoo was frowning when Yabu smiled back at Hikaru and left them.
“When did you exactly ask Yabu to buy you an orange juice? As long as I remember, I was with you all this time, and I don’t remember Yabu was here…”
“Mmm, I don’t ask him.” Inoo raised his eyebrows.
“What? Then why did he buy you a drink? Why didn’t he buy me one too?”
“Because I’m thirsty, and he knew it,” Hikaru reached for the said orange juice and took a sip of the juice.
“What the hell are you talking? He knew it? I’m here with you all this time and I didn’t hear you said anything about thirsty!”
“Well, it happens often. It’s like I knew what he want and he knew what I want, without said it out loud. Is it that weird?”
“What are you? Married couple?”
“My mom had said that before.”
“What? So it’s true? You’re already married?”
“Haha, silly… Of course not! That was my mom’s jokes.”
“It seems not like that for me. You two have been together for really long time~. Maybe your mom was right. You two are practically married by now.”
“Oi~ We’re not married yet!” Hikaru snapped.
“Yet? Haha! Catch you! You like him after all!” Inoo chuckled when he looked at blushing Hikaru beside him. It was so rare to see Hikaru blushing.
“Oh, just shut up!”
Yabu was in the dressing room when Chinen barged in to the dressing room with teary eyes. Yabu was about to ask him, but Chinen had already hugged his waist.
“Chii! What’s wrong?” Yabu was trying to pull Chinen off, but Chinen wouldn’t budge. Yabu patted his head soothingly.
“Hi- Hikka chan~” Chinen sobbed.
“Hmm, what’s wrong with Hikaru? Did he do something weird again?”
“He- he’s trying to-” Chinen didn’t manage to finish his sentence because Hikaru was barging in to the dressing room.
“Chii~ where are you? Ah, Yabu!” Hikaru smirked.
“Hikaru! What’re you doing now?!” Yabu snapped at Hikaru.
“Nothing! I was just playing around with Chinen when he escaped from me. That’s not good, Chii~ We’re supposed to play together,” Hikaru grinned.
“I don’t want to play with you! Yabu kun! He’s trying to put a dress on me!” Chinen whined at Yabu, hugging him tightly.
“What? Hikaru! Why did you that?”
“Well, he’s cute to be a girl. Don’t you want to have a daughter?”
“A what?” Yabu was flustered when he heard Hikaru’s words.
“Daughter! He’ll be a cute daughter. Come on, Chii. Come to your papa~”
“I don’t want to have a papa like you! I don’t mind Yabu kun as my mother, but I definitely don’t want you as my papa! I’d rather Takaki as my papa!” Chinen stuck his tongue out at Hikaru.
“What? Takaki? He’d be a childish papa then. Come on, Chii…”
“Hikaru, cut it off! He doesn’t want to play with you. Find another person to be your prey. But don’t lay your hand to 7 members! I don’t want to see Ryutaro or Yamada crying like Chii!” Yabu snapped at Hikaru once again.
“Ah, you’re so boring~ Fine then. Ah, maybe Inoo chan wouldn’t mind wear a dress,” Hikaru dashed out the dressing room with smirked on his face.
“No one wants to wear a dress for you, Hikaru,” Yabu whispered softly, talking to himself.
“Thanks, Yabu kun! You’re just the only one who can control Hikaru kun. I’d like to have you as my mama!” Chinen smiled cutely, still with his teary eyes. Yabu was taken aback. He didn’t expect to hear something like that.
“Chii, I’m a guy. I can be a papa, but not a mama.”
“But you always take care of us. You’ve been like a mother for me.”
“So that’s what you always see on me? Your mother in HSJ?”
“Yes! But with Takaki as my papa! I don’t want Hikaru kun as my papa!” Chinen added with pout on his cute face.
“Mmm, I don’t know how to react to this. Chii, I can’t be your mama. I always take care of you because I’m the oldest here. Do you understand now?”
“But I want you to be my mama. Can’t you?” Chinen asked with his puppy eyes.
“No! Now go play around with someone else. I need to think something up about our concert concept,” Yabu said firmly, releasing his hug from Chinen.
“Hai~” Chinen walked out from the dressing room with disappoint face.
What the heck is going on? Yabu sighed, rubbing his temple to reduce the growing headache.
A few hours later
Yabu heard the sound of the door opened softly. He raised his head to see who had come in, and found Hikaru smirked at him. He turned his attention back to his works after he knew who was it.
“Uwaa~ so cold,” Hikaru said, hugging Yabu waist from behind.
“Hikaru, I’m doing my works now,” Yabu tried to loosen Hikaru’s hug, but it was a futile attempt. Hikaru didn’t want to let go of him.
“But I miss you,” Hikaru whispered into Yabu’s ear.
“We just met a few hours ago, and now you already missed me?”
“I always miss you whenever you’re not around me,” Hikaru nuzzled his face to the crook of Yabu’s neck.
“Hikaru~ stop it, you’re distracting me. I’m trying to finish my works here,” Yabu blushed nevertheless but he didn’t want Hikaru see it.
“Kou chan~ don’t you miss me? You’re always working and always forgetting about me,” Hikaru pouted.
“I’m not!”
“Yes, you are! By the way, you really didn’t want to have a daughter?” Hikaru asked nonchalantly.
“Wh- what?”
“Daughter! Chii’d be a cute daughter, don’t you think? I really want to have a daughter like him.”
“Hikaru, you still didn’t let that idea out of you mind? Beside he already said that he didn’t want you as his father. He chose Takaki instead.”
“Pfft, Takaki won’t be a good father like me. But poor he, Chinen just sees him as a father. The last time I checked, he has crushed for Chinen,” Hikaru snorted.
“Hmm, but actually Chinen has a crush for Takaki too. He just hasn’t realized it yet. And about that daughter thing, Chinen said that he sees me as a mother. With Takaki as his father,” Yabu blushed when he said that.
“WHAT? Why he didn’t see me as his father? Why it must be Takaki?? I should be the one to be your husband! I won’t give you to him!” Yabu smacked his head.
“Don’t be stupid! I won’t be with Takaki.”
“Of course you won’t be with him! I won’t let you after all. Now back to the topic, why you didn’t want to have a daughter?” Hikaru hugged him tighter.
“I didn’t say that I didn’t want it. It just….”
“What? We’ll have a cute daughter, who smart and beautiful, just like you,” Hikaru started to place a few chaste kiss on Yabu’s neck.
“Mmm, it’s just… I- I’m a guy, right? I can’t have a daughter,” Yabu blushed.
“That’s it? Well, I don’t really care about that.”
“Bu- but, you said that you want to have a daughter. And I can’t give you one. Now you say that you don’t care about that,” Yabu released Hikaru’s hug and turned to face him.
“I don’t care that you’re a guy. And it’s true that you can’t give me a daughter, but you can still be my daughter’s mom. We can still have Chinen or Ryutaro as our child anyway,” Hikaru said, circling his arms once again on Yabu’s waist.
“Baka!” Yabu smacked his head again, but then he was returning Hikaru’s hug and leaning his head to his shoulder.
“You love this baka after all.”
“Yes,” Yabu whispered, barely audible for Hikaru’s ear, but he still heard it.
“What? I didn’t hear you. Repeat it, please,” Hikaru teased him.
“No replay, sorry.”
“Eee~ Come one, Kou chan. It’s always me who said it.”
“I,” Yabu kissed his forehead, “love,” his nose, “you,” and his lips softly. Then he pulled off the kiss to smile at Hikaru.
“Ne, Kou chan, you still didn’t want to have a daughter?”
“I want to, but- ,” Yabu’s words were cut by Hikaru’s lips on his.
“Jaa, let’s make one?” Hikaru whispered to Yabu’s ear, planting few kisses down to his neck.
“Hi- Hikaru~ stop it. Not here,” Yabu tried to resist him.
“I’ve locked the door, so don’t worry.”
“It’s not that. We’re in the jimusho right now.”
“So if we do it in your house, you won’t mind?”
“I- I…”
“Jaa, let’s go home now!”
A/N: Sorry for the ending! I can't come up with anything else! m(_ _)m