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sweet_misery62 January 14 2005, 18:37:46 UTC
1. Am I cute? sure
2. Am I crazy? of course
3. Am I lovable? definately
4. Am I funny? yes
5. Am I annoying? no
6. Am I psycho? we all are
7. Am I daring? i dunno
8. Am I a good person? yes

Would You..
1. Hug Me? i have many times
2. Miss me if I was gone? of course
3. kiss me? no
4. make out with me? no
5. Listen to my problems? yes
6. Be a good friend? yes
7. Run evil social espionage missions for me? sounds like fun

1. Ever go out with me? no
2. If you already have, would you do it again? never have
3. Kiss me? no
4. Marry me if you could? no
5. Ever talk bad about me if we ever broke up? not going out
6. Make out with me in a cemetery? no
7. Snuggle with me? no

1. How Well Do You Know Me? pretty well
2. When's my birthday? april 27
3. Who is my best friend? becky
4. Favorite color? shades of blue
5. Favorite Animal? bunnies!
6. Favorite song/songs? evaenescence bring me to life
7. Favorite music groups? evanescence
8. What song would you dedicate to me? uhhhhhhhh dunno

If You Could..
1. Give me a new name, it would be? rob is good, so is bunny
2. Do one thing with me, it would be? be random
3. Drop me a piece of advice, it would be? uhhh depends on what is going on
4. Kidnap me for a day, where would we go? play with stuff in the discovery channel store lol

Just a Few Questions..
1. What do you love about me? that you're you
2. What do you hate about me (seriously)? nothing
3. What is my best quality? you're a good listener
4. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be? nothing
5. What is your honest opinion about me? you're cool and fun and great
6. What would you do if I sang out of tune? tell you to stop singing?

1. What song (if any) reminds you of me? any evanescence
2. Do I remind you of any characters on TV? not from the shows i watch
4. Have you ever had a dream about me? nope
5. Do you think I'm a virgin? don't know
6. If you just met me how old would you guess I am? 17
7. Am I huggable? of course
8. If you could give me anything... what would it be? meet amy lee
9. If you could promise me anything.. what would it be? ummm

1. Am I ugly, average, decent, good looking, beautiful, hot, etc? good looking
2. Do you ever think about me offline? yeah
3. If you could describe me in one word... what would that word be? fun
4. Do you/have you ever had a crush on me? no
5. When we first met, what were your thoughts? (if you've met/talked to me?) i actually thought you were a freshman when we met in span in 10th grade cause your babckpack was kinda big
6. If you had to describe to someone who I am and what I am like, what would you tell them? that yuou are a nice and caring and fun person
7. What are my faults? dunno
8. My strengths? dunno

1. Do you wish we were closer? yeah
2. Why aren't we closer? i dont know


miang_vidar January 14 2005, 20:46:24 UTC
ya..i kept my entire locker in my backpack ^_^

now i have no books at all

ok..maybe a sketchbook
but that is about all of the things i carry....
idk why i carry a backpack LOL
habit? ^_^


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