Watashi no tamashi...

Apr 06, 2007 01:35


Yup - my soul is returning to me. I feel less absent minded as the night grows. Perhaps it's because I was able to indulged myself in my hobby once again after a very long time of not doing so. That's right mons~! DRAWING!! YAY!!!

And, amazingly enough, something "good"/decent came out! I shall show you =D

Who is that?! Let us have a guessing game before tomorrow's night! The winner will get...uhh...a good job pat from me! YES!! :D

Well, since I said that, guess I can't go into detail about it no more.

Anywayz, it came out pretty good I think. Well, I wasn't thrill about the lips cuz it was hard to replicate from the actual life picture, but good enough I think. Too bad she looks so old = \

I realized -once again- how my drawing "style" has taken a sharp turn from anime to more realisctic structures. I'm ok with it, but the realization that my losing interest in the anime world affected my drawing "style" is a bit... shocking lol Now and then, I see a good anime picture right? And I start to wonder - can't I flatly like that too? Or, "wow, I'm not sure if I can draw like that anymore" or something! Anywayz, I'm just happy that the picture came out nice on the initial tries.

Now, I shall go to bed before my dad murders me. Good night and hope whoever is interested in guessing knows!

p.s. J. Tso is not elligiable for guessing >,> And the person itself too!

I guess I'll make an effort to draw the winner something :D Maybe, depends on if I'll have the time or something XD NITEZ!

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