Seventh Case Closed

Jan 15, 2010 17:52

[Voiced // Private to Horatio // 98% Unhackable // Backdated to January 12th]

[It's muffled and a little distant-ish, but the vast majority of this conversation is recorded here, cutting off at one of the awkward silences later in the thing. Curiously, the journal will show it as having been Emil's journal which filtered it to H. Noting for the sake of future reference]

[Voiced // Filtered to Dr. McCoy // 95% Unhackable // Present day (15th)]

Dr. McCoy... can I speak with you?

[Voiced // Filtered to James // 95% Unhackable // Present day (15th)]

Mr. Lancing... I need a favor from you.

[Action // Present day (15th)]

[H has been busy lately. He is regularly going between House 20 and House 21, investigating the crime scene, questioning people and sometimes going out to the stops to get more items (often chemicals in the form of various cleaners) to use as makeshift forensic equipment. He's also been considering all the possibilities carefully.

Earlier today he made another choice. Some of you might see him moving a box of things (he's only making two trips, so two boxes at different times) between Community Building 2 and Hosue 20. Feel free to run into him then if you wish.

Right now, however, he's in Emil's house preparing to question Fina and Minato... at different times. He would also like to talk to Rena, but hes not sure how to handle that yet]

case: the attemped murder of fina, let's form a police force, policing is serious, secretly moving in to house 20, emil is my boy, gathering intelligence, sunglasses: on, it's too cold here

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