Nov 05, 2008 16:53
the trouble always starts when i forget what's mine. what is mine? my thoughts, my mind, my time, my heart, my soul. the hardest one to remember: my body. this body is mine. stop trying to claim it. to separate it. to change it. to celebrate it, to criticize it. don't even think about it without permission.
the trouble always starts when i let you say what you're thinking. no no no no no. i'm not that person, i never was. i just get really fucking distracted when you keep insisting that i am. i just get really fucking off track.
it's a shame it takes me so long to come to these conclusions. i don't want to use the nineteen thing as an excuse, either. i'm just a little slow, i guess. like, maybe you were all faster than me.
so i'm reclaiming, reassessing, reasserting. severing ties. really this time. you're not who i thought you were. and i'm not who you think i am. it was all just a really, really enormous misunderstanding. the worst kind of miscommunication. somewhere in the airspace, our signals got crossed. i'm really sorry that happened. not an apology. a lament.
[oh, and also: obama!]