Margaret Wente... I wish ignorance would stop with this incident.

Jan 11, 2005 06:55

D. D.~

Courtesy of sexinasweater

All my non-Newfoundlander friends, please take a minute to read the two articles posted here and tell me what you think about them.

MARGARET WENTE In Newfoundland and Labrador, Danny Williams can do no wrong.
>These days, he's more popular than God. Following his lead, the people of
>the Rock have banished the Maple Leaf from their dominion. Angry citizens
>are flooding open-line shows and threatening that, unless they get what's
>owed to them by Canada, Newfoundland should go it alone.
>My grandpa had a saying for moments like this. He would have said, "Here's
>your hat, what's your hurry?" I like Newfoundlanders. I really do. But their
>sense of victimhood is unmatched. And their flag protest isn't winning them
>much sympathy on this side of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In fact, the
>sensation on this side is of a deep and painful bite to the hand that feeds.
>Mr. Williams reminds me of a deadbeat brother-in-law who's hit you up for
>money a few times too often. He's been sleeping on your couch for years, and
>now he's got the nerve to complain that it's too lumpy.
>The ins and outs of the current squabble between Newfoundland and Ottawa
>would baffle any normal human being. Technically, the fight is over the
>esoteric details of equalization payments and offshore revenues. But
>according to Mr. Williams, it's really about treachery, deceit and betrayal.
>Peter Fenwick has a different view. Mr. Fenwick, a long-time Newfoundland
>political commentator, says it's about having your cake and eating it, too.
>"He's going to end up with a cake and a half," he says.
>"And he's got 95 per cent of the province behind him." Over the years, those
>of us not blessed to be born on the Rock have sent countless cakes its way
>in the form of equalization payments, pogey, and various hare-brained
>make-work schemes. (Who can ever forget the hydroponic cucumber farm?) In
>return, the surly islanders have blamed us for everything from the
>disappearance of the cod stocks to the destruction of the family unit,
>because if people had to work more than 10 weeks before they could collect
>EI, they might have to move away.
>This hallowed policy of siphoning money from the haves to the have-nots, so
>that everyone can be equal, has turned Canada into a permanently aggrieved
>nation, in which every region of the country is convinced that it's being
>brutally ripped off by every other region. No one is better at this blame
>game than the Newfs, egged on by generations of politicians. The only way to
>get elected there is to pledge to stop the terrible atrocities of Ottawa
>(i.e., not sending enough money). If you should make the error of suggesting
>that people might have to become more self-sufficient, your political career
>is dead. Politicians like to get elected, which is why things never change.
>Newfoundland's population has dwindled to something less than that of
>Scarborough, Ont. Because of stupendous political malfeasance, it is at
>least $11-billion in debt. But it still has seven federal seats. And so we
>send more money so that people can stay in the scenic villages where they
>were born, even though the fish are gone and there's no more work and never
>will be, unless they can steal some telemarketing from Bangalore. Rural
>Newfoundland (along with our great land north of 60) is probably the most
>vast and scenic welfare ghetto in the world.
>But who can blame people for wanting to stay put? Not me. No one will ever
>gobble down a plate of cod tongues and pen an ode to Scarborough.
>Scarborough is not romantic. It is filled with ugly high-rise towers of
>immigrants scrambling to gain a foothold in a new land far from home. The
>difference is that, when they do it, we congratulate them and call it
>enterprise. No one will ever buy a scenic picture postcard of a strip mall.
>But Scarborough supports itself, and Newfoundland does not, and I wish Danny
>Williams would explain why it's a good idea to keep picking the pockets of
>Chinese dry cleaners and Korean variety-store owners who work 90 hours a
>week in order to keep subsidizing the people who live in Carbonear, no
>matter how quaint and picturesque they are.
>I like Newfoundlanders, I really do. Where would we be without Rex Murphy
>and Mary Walsh and Rick Mercer? On the other hand, they left.
>As for you other people of the Rock, maybe we can strike a deal.
>You can keep all the oil and gas revenues. And you can pay us back all the
>money we've sent you since you joined Confederation. Fair enough? I thought

(from Globe and Mail)

>DANNY WILLIAMS It is with a heavy heart that I write in response to
>yesterday's commentary by Margaret Wente, "Oh Danny Boy, pipe down." As
>Premier of the great and proud province of Newfoundland and Labrador, I
>found Ms. Wente's column to be more than insulting. I found it very, very
>If people around the country wonder why we removed the Canadian flag to
>protest against the treatment of our province by the federal government, I
>suggest they look no further than Ms. Wente's column.
>Her comments perfectly demonstrate why Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have
>to take such firm action to get the attention of the people of this
>Her paternalistic and condescending attitude serves only to further ignite
>the passion of our people at home and abroad.
>While Ms. Wente goes on at length to speak of federal moneys flowing to our
>"vast and scenic welfare ghetto," she fails to mention the resources --
>human, cultural and, no less important, vast natural resources -- that our
>province brought with us to this federation, such as our fishery, our
>forests, our farms, our clean hydroelectric resources, our iron ore, nickel,
>copper, cobalt, gold and other minerals, and our oil and gas.
>Yes, Newfoundland and Labrador has benefited as a partner in Confederation,
>as has each and every other province and territory. That is what
>Confederation is about, after all. But make no mistake: This country has
>reaped untold billions from our natural and human resources as well. Ms.
>Wente may be tired of hearing us complain about how the federal government
>mismanaged our fishery; being sick of hearing about it, however, does not
>make the reality go away. Canada permitted foreign overfishing off our coast
>to continue, to our detriment, in order to secure trade agreements that
>benefited other regions of our country. Great for the rest of Canada, but
>certainly not great for the tens of thousands of fisheries-dependent
>Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who left our province -- their homes -- to
>live and financially contribute to the economies of other provinces.
>As you read through Ms. Wente's column, it also becomes very clear that she
>is completely uninformed on our province's position. She says, "If you
>should make the error of suggesting that people might have to become more
>self-sufficient, your political career is dead." I only wish that Ms. Wente
>had been paying greater attention to what I have been saying for the past
>six months. Our government's primary goal in pushing the federal government
>to implement Prime Minister Paul Martin's commitment of June 5 (100 per cent
>of our provincial offshore revenues) is to provide our province with the
>necessary tools to finally become self-sufficient: a strong, contributing
>partner to the federation.
>That is what this is all about, Ms. Wente. It is about the province of
>Newfoundland and Labrador finally achieving our true potential -- the
>potential that comes from having some of the most precious, bountiful
>natural resources in the world. We are not asking for the federal
>government's share of these resources -- a share that accounts for more than
>50 per cent of total government revenues.
>We are asking only for our provincial share. We are asking only for a
>chance. A chance we deserve.
>Ms. Wente wants us to stop complaining. Maybe we will stop complaining about
>being a victim when those who share her opinions recognize and address the
>historic pattern of abuse and mistreatment we have suffered. We are a proud
>people. Proud of our "quaint and picturesque" communities. Proud of our
>resilience in difficult times. Proud of our giving and kind-spirited
>disposition that comes so naturally.
>And we are proud to support other provinces and territories that benefit
>from the largesse of the federal government. But we are not too proud to
>demand from the same federal government that they fulfill the clear and
>unequivocal commitment of the Prime Minister.
>When Ms. Wente faults Canada's "hallowed policy of siphoning money from the
>haves to the have-nots, so that everyone can be equal," she forgets Section
>36 of the Constitution, which obligates Canada to promote equal opportunity
>for all Canadians in all regions. Throughout Canada and the world, the Maple
>Leaf symbolizes fairness, justice, compassion and co-operation in the quest
>for equality of opportunity for all people. Our province removed the Maple
>Leaf, not to reject those values, but to draw attention to the fact that the
>Martin government's broken commitment to Newfoundland and Labrador
>frustrates those values. While it is true that we have only seven seats in
>the House of Commons and barely more than half a million residents, we are
>an equal partner in Confederation, and we have a small window of opportunity
>to turn our bountiful petroleum resources into long-term opportunities for
>our people and our province to stand on our feet.
>We do not deserve to be accused of wanting the fine people of Scarborough,
>Ont., to subsidize us, or being compared to "deadbeats." We are equal
>partners of a great country that accepts and supports our province's
>aspirations to achieve equality of opportunity and self-reliance. You should
>be ashamed of your comments.
>Danny Williams is Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador.

I am really surprised how such a demeaning article can be published in one of my favorite and one of the most prominent magazine of all time to begin with, not to mention how Ms. Wente (I would suppose she is still single) gets away without apologizing to the entire province.

Honestly, I don't feel as flamed as Newfounlanders when reading the Ms. Wente's article, probably because I've only been here for half an year so I am not as attached to the land. But that's not the point here. Newfoundlanders or not, everyone with ration should know when the thin line between speech freedom and plain ignorance has been crossed.
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