2 - Mac/H prompted ficlets

Feb 10, 2007 08:44

These two bits kind of go together in the order they're listed. I wouldn't call one a sequel per se, they're just complimentary.

Title: It's All Relative
Author: jillibean
Prompt: Sex
Rating: FRAO (adult)
Warnigns: smex. slashy smex.
Paring: Horatio Caine / Mac Taylor
Summary: First time.
Disclaimer: Like so many other things I want, they don't belong to me.

[ 'Or maybe New York has hardened you.' ]

Title: Comfortable Hedonism
Author: jillibean
Prompt: Rose
Rating: FRAO (adult)
Warnings: slashy sex stuff. nothing crazy.
Paring: Horatio Caine / Mac Taylor
Summary: First time.
Disclaimer: Not mine don't sue.

[ Like he was under oath ]

x-posted, sorry for spammage.


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