
Dec 13, 2009 21:27

601 snooty - snobbishly aloof; haughty - augstprātīgs
602 casement - a window sash that opens outward by means of hinges; a window with such sashes - (loga) vērtne; poēt. logs; arī - uz augšu bīdāms logs
603 milieu - an environment or a setting - apkārtējā vide
604 contretemps - an inopportune or embarrassing situation or event; a hitch - negaidīta neveiksme, aizķeršanās
605 euphonical - of or relating to or characterized by euphony - eifonisks, daiļskanīgs
606 apostasy - total desertion or departure from one's faith, principles, or party - atteikšanās, atkāpšanās (no principiem, uzskatiem u. tml.)
607 cynosure - anything to which attention is strongly turned; a center of attraction - (uzmanības) centrs
608 consanguineous - of the same blood; related by birth; descended from the same parent or ancestor - asinsradniecīgs
609 concupiscence - strong desire, especially sexual desire; lust
610 nostrum - medicine of secret composition and unproven or dubious effectiveness; a quack medicine - iron. universāllīdzeklis, panaceja


выговор - rājiens - reprimand

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