571 egestion - the process of discharging waste matter from the body; the matter discharged - экскретирование, выделение (пота и т. п.); дефекация
572 offbeat - strikingly unconventional - oriģināls, netradicionāls, ekscentrisks - замечательный, поразительный, непривычный, необычный, диковинный
573 tarmacadam - a paving material of tar and broken stone; mixed in a factory and shaped during paving - gudronēta šoseja - гудронированное шоссе
574 prolixity - state of being boring, tediousness, dullness; verbosity, excessive wordiness, excessive lengthiness - liekvārdība - многословие, нудность, тягучесть
575 sonority - resonance, richness or fullness of tone - skanīgums - звучность, звонкость
576 Br. E.zebra crossing / Am. E. pedestrian crossing - a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other - gājēju pāreja - пешеходный переход
577 to invigilate - (British) oversee an examination taken by candidates - brit. novērot eksaminējamos eksāmena laikā - следить за экзаменующимися во время экзамена
578 ascription - the act of ascribing, imputing, or affirming to belong; also, that which is ascribed - (īpašības) piedēvēšana, attiecināšana - приписывание
579 sanative - having the power to cure; healing or restorative - целебный, оздоровляющий
580 self-effacing - not drawing attention to oneself; modest - bikls, kautrs - скромный
fly-tipping - (sneaky dumping or dumping on the fly) is a British term for illegally dumping waste somewhere else than in an authorised landfill (from Wikipedia)