Sex and Money - Part 1

Jun 17, 2015 18:32

Pairing: QMI
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 17,436

Summary: Most of life's motives can be distilled down to two things: sex and money.

Warning: prostitution

A/N: if you're a regular reader of my fics, you may have read the first part to this already (about the first 2.5K words). This is the extended version.

"I have a new client for you," Jia stated as soon as Zhou Mi picked up, not even bothering to make small talk. Zhou Mi blinked in surprise behind his sunglasses, accidentally knocking over the bottle of sunscreen next to him as he fumbled with his phone to put it on speaker.

He was out on his patio catching the last of the afternoon sun. While it wasn't an ideal place to sunbath naked, he preferred being potentially seen by his neighbours over tan lines. He wasn't a prude with his body anyway - couldn't really be with his line of work.

"A new client?" he asked, checking that he'd heard correctly. New clients for him were rare nowadays. He'd worked hard to have a regular client base, and he didn't often get asked to take on new people. His company matched clients with the worker that they deemed best, matching wants and desires - it was the top agency for a reason. Zhou Mi stretched lazily, like a cat, before turning his attention back to his call.

"Uh huh," Jia agreed. "Do you want to take him? I can send you his details but," Zhou Mi could hear the grin in her voice, "I'd do him."

That was one of the benefits of working at a high class agency, all customers were screened beforehand. Jia would already have this man's full name, photo, age, employment details - even a reference from an existing client. But Zhou Mi trusted her opinion. They had been working together long enough that Zhou Mi knew she wouldn't send him someone unworthy.

"Sure," he replied. "I'll take the job, but send it through."

"Great." There was a short pause in the background before she added, "All the details are now in your calendar. It's tomorrow night. Enjoy," she sang before hanging up.

Zhou Mi double checked the time after the call ended. He was seeing one of his regulars that night but there was another hour before he needed to get ready. He set an alarm before turning over on to his stomach, letting the warmth of the sun lull him into a nap.


The following evening Zhou Mi found himself at one of the top hotels in the city, the venue all shiny metal and glass surfaces and quiet opulence. After paying his taxi driver he strode through the lobby to the escalators, giving the doorman a warm greeting on his way in. Long gone were the days where he felt intimidated by places like this. If you acted as if you belonged, others tended to believe it unquestioningly.

Jia had already provided him with the room number and he pressed the button on the escalator, double checking his appearance in the mirrored surface as it ascended to the 25th floor. He stepped out, walking briefly along the halls as he looked for the right door. Once found he rapped his knuckles firmly on the wooden surface.

The door opened, the occupant stepping aside to let him in. Zhou Mi took the opportunity as he entered to subtly inspect his new client, deciding that the photo that Jia had emailed had been accurate - not that Zhou Mi expected anything less, not with the Agency's strict processes.

Cho Kyuhyun. Late 20s. Assistant Director of a renewable energies company, one that was on the cusp of becoming one of the most important in the country. He was tall, slim but of a stockier build than Zhou Mi, with jet black hair and dark eyes that gave little away. He was cute rather than handsome, and barefoot, dressed in a crisp white shirt with the collar unbuttoned and grey trousers. His hair, and the slight bit of skin exposed by his shirt, was damp, as if he'd just stepped out of the shower. Zhou Mi approved, he liked it when his clients showered beforehand.

Kyuhyun was holding a tumbler with a splash of amber liquid in the bottom, his hand unadorned and free of any jewelery. There was no tan line on his ring finger.

"Mr Cho? I'm Zhou Mi," Zhou Mi said, holding out his hand, as if for a handshake. But when Kyuhyun clasped it, Zhou Mi didn't let go, instead sliding his thumb up to caress the inside of his wrist. It was a little trick of his, a gesture to promote intimacy, but also a way to test what someone might be feeling by the beating of their pulse.

"Do you want a drink?" Kyuhyun asked him, his pulse jumpy under Zhou Mi's touch. Interesting. "And call me Kyuhyun," he added as an afterthought when Zhou Mi released him.

Zhou Mi declined the drink, moving to the bed to set his bag down beside it. The room was large for a hotel suite, although obviously not one of the top suites as it was made up of just one room and a separate bathroom. Like the rest of the hotel it was tastefully decorated, mostly done in shades of grey and cream, with touches of aqua in the furnishings. There was a lavish king size bed against one wall, a spacious living area with two couches and a TV, and heavy drapes that hid either a huge window or an entrance to a balcony.

Zhou Mi moved to the base of the bed, sitting down and leaning back on his hands, the bed linen feeling luxuriously smooth under his fingertips. He resisted the urge to dig his fingers into it - he was a sucker for expensive bedding. "What can I do for you?"

Kyuhyun took a swallow from his glass, eyes travelling up and down Zhou Mi's form. Zhou Mi knew he looked good, hair styled up to show off his eyes, emphasised with just a tiny slick of liner. His was dressed relatively conservatively - pants tight but not obscenely so, showing off the long line of his legs. His black shirt had several buttons undone - one more than Kyuhyun's - providing a glimpse of his smooth chest.

Some clients wanted to get straight into it, while others preferred to make small talk and pretend their encounter was something other than it was, so Zhou Mi gave Kyuhyun the opportunity to set the tone. Kyuhyun took another drink before settling himself in an armchair opposite the end of the bed, placing the tumbler down on a side table and letting his hands dangle off the armrests. "Can you take your clothes off?"

"Of course," Zhou Mi told him, standing and kicking off his shoes. He made sure to keep eye contact as he stripped, knowing that clients liked that. He unbuttoned his shirt, laying it neatly over a nearby ottoman, followed by his trousers and socks. He didn't bother wearing underwear when he had a job, unless he was specifically requested. Many people would feel awkward being naked in front of a stranger, particularly one who was still fully dressed, but Zhou Mi had been in weirder situations. Besides, he was confident in the way he looked: his skin pale but with a hint of warmth from his time in the sun the other day, lean with just the right amount of muscle. He worked hard to maintain himself and he was proud of the results.

"Can you finger yourself?" Kyuhyun seemed to express what he wanted in suggestions. It was polite - and unnecessary - Zhou Mi decided not to respond with something greasy like I can do anything you like because while it was unusual, he decided he appreciated it. Zhou Mi reached over to his bag, pulling out a tube of lube, and made himself comfortable on the bed, back against the headboard and legs spread to completely expose himself.

Kyuhyun made no move to join him so Zhou Mi started, squeezing a liberal amount of lube on to his fingers. He'd cleaned and prepped himself earlier, so the two fingers slid in easily. Zhou Mi exhaled softly, working them in and out, thinking dirty filthy thoughts to get himself hard. He was good at this, knowing how to put on a show, knew the best sounds to make so it all seemed genuine. He threw his head back, eyes fluttering as he worked himself open, sliding another finger in to join the others.

There was a rustling, and when Zhou Mi opened his eyes, Kyuhyun was hunched forward, hands on his knees. Apart from a slight pinkness in his cheeks, he looked composed and unaffected.

That wouldn't do at all.

Zhou Mi increased his efforts, picking up the pace, rubbing the pads of his fingers over his prostate and letting out a loud moan that was swallowed up by the soft furnishings in the room. His cock was fully erect now, and his breathing was heavy, occasional whines leaving his mouth as he fucked himself with his hand.

There was another rustle as Kyuhyun finally left his chair. But instead of joining him as Zhou Mi expected, he perched on the edge of the bed, watching intently, his eyes hungry.

"Keep going," he said in a low tone, eyes focussed on the movement of Zhou Mi's fingers as he slid them in and out in a steady rhythm, making Zhou Mi feel so exposed that it sent a flash of arousal into him. "Can you jerk yourself off too? I want to see you come."

Zhou Mi bit back a moan and obeyed, circling his cock with his other hand to give himself leisurely strokes as he continued to finger himself. It was feeling good now, wasn't just part of the show. He no longer wondered if Kyuhyun was going to touch him - didn't care anymore. Part of him liked being watched, revelled in being the center of attention. He'd always secretly been a bit of a show-off, had always liked being acknowledged for his talents. In another life perhaps he'd be on stage singing heartfelt ballads, but in this one his audience were the ones who paid him to suck, fuck and be fucked.

He stilled the hand around his cock, giving it a tight squeeze, before starting up again, palm twisting up and over the head, pre-come slick on his skin. He closed his eyes again, chasing the build up of pleasure, and he could almost feel Kyuhyun's gaze, drilling into him, heavy and fierce. Kyuhyun's lower lip was caught in his teeth and Zhou Mi had a sudden urge to see what he'd look like when he wasn't keeping himself under tight control. He wanted to see Kyuhyun with his hair messed up, skin flushed pink, wanted to capture that mouth with his until it was slick and kiss swollen. He jerked himself off with images of Kyuhyun above him, imagining how the muscles in his arms might tense, veins standing out starkly on his pale skin. What would he fuck like? Would he be the sort to take Zhou Mi hard and fast? Would he draw it out? Would he be the type of client who got off making Zhou Mi come first, or would he prefer to leave him unsatisfied?

Zhou Mi stroked himself faster, matching the quickening speed of his fingers. He crooked them, pressed them hard against his prostate as he felt his orgasm building, and then he was coming, chest heaving and abs tensing as he spurted over his hand and stomach.

The bed shifted as Kyuhyun got up, briefly leaving the room and returning with a damp washcloth which he handed over without a word. Zhou Mi used it to wipe himself off before pushing himself up to a seated position.

"Do you want me to - do you?" he asked.

Kyuhyun shook his head. "No. Sometimes," he mused idly, toying with the pattern on the bed covers, "I find that the anticipation is better than the having."

"I don't think that's true," Zhou Mi replied, even though it wasn't clear that Kyuhyun was looking for a response. "I can assure you that having me is much, much better than just anticipation."

There was a pause before Kyuhyun laughed, as if he was surprised to find Zhou Mi outright disagreeing with him. "Perhaps."

Zhou Mi's fee would have been paid directly to his agency prior to him stepping into the room, and since Kyuhyun seemed satisfied - though not in the usual way - Zhou Mi excused himself to use the bathroom, soaping up his hands with the little luxury soap at the side of the sink. When he returned, the curtains had been pulled back and Kyuhyun's back was to him as he stared out the window.

With his time up, Zhou Mi headed to the door but before he could leave Kyuhyun pressed a tip into his hand, fingers brushing his skin. It was the first contact they'd had the entire evening.

Zhou Mi pocketed the note without glancing at it.

"Thanks," he said sincerely. He doubted he was going to get a second request from Kyuhyun, considering the man had paid a rather exorbitant fee just to see him masturbate. Not that Zhou Mi was complaining - there were worse ways to spend a couple of hours.

"Thank you."

He really was cute, Zhou Mi thought. It was a shame that he wouldn't see him again. "Have a good night."


Zhou Mi groaned as he held the phone to his ear. After leaving the hotel he'd taken a taxi home and fallen straight into a deep sleep after washing his face. Normally he would have showered after meeting with a client, but since they hadn't actually had intercourse, he was happy to wait.

"You must've made quite the impression," Jia said to him.

"Good morning," he croaked, pulling the covers over his head. His blinds blocked out a lot of light but the room was bright enough that Zhou Mi supposed it was already late morning. "What impression?"

"Mr Cho. He wanted to see you tonight."

Suddenly Zhou Mi felt completely awake. "He did?" Zhou Mi hadn't been expecting that, not when Kyuhyun hadn't even touched him.

"Mhmm. He was put out that you're already booked. Said he'd pay double."

Their agency had many clients who didn't hear no often in their normal lives. Despite this, Zhou Mi knew exactly how Jia would've responded. There were several reasons they were so successful, so highly valued, and it wasn't just due to the quality of their whores. "You said no." It wasn't a question - Zhou Mi's client for the evening was someone he'd been seeing regularly for over a year. He was older, in his late 40s, the head of a banking company. He was considerate and treated Zhou Mi well.

He was also married with three children, but it wasn't Zhou Mi's job to judge his client's personal life.

"Of course. He had to settle for booking you for the next three nights instead."

"Three nights. In a row?" Zhou Mi pushed the covers off and sat up. As much as Zhou Mi's regulars liked him, none of them had ever liked him enough to book him for three straight nights.

"Yup. Hope you have the stamina."

"Fuck off," Zhou Mi replied, but there was no anger in his tone. He flopped back down onto his pillow and stared at his ceiling. He thought about the large tip that Kyuhyun had given him and he felt his lips involuntarily stretch into a smile. "Of course I have the stamina."

Jia laughed at him, her voice rich with amusement. "Of course you do. That's my boy."


Did everyone in Zhou Mi's life hate him? The way his phone kept waking him up so early in the morning was making him think so. Didn't people realise that he worked nights?

He groaned as he reached out to pick up the call, muttering a croaky, "Hello," into the receiver.

"Mi," his friend, Liyin said. He could tell from the high pitch of her voice, even in his half-awake state, that she was feeling frantic. "I need a favour."

Zhou Mi cracked open an eye to check the time. It was still dark and he knew by the fog in his head that he'd only been asleep for a few hours. He groaned again. "It's 5am. I worked last night." Last night he'd seen the client that Jia had refused to cancel for Kyuhyun. He was a decent man, though somewhat demanding, and Zhou Mi really needed to sleep. His body ached.

"I know, I know, but… I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate."

Zhou Mi knew that Liyin wouldn't call this early unless she truly was desperate, which was the only reason he wasn't yelling at her. Instead, he said with a sigh, "You need me to come in?"

"Can you? Please. I'm really sorry."

Zhou Mi was feeling mean enough to let her sweat for a bit before he answered, even though he already knew he was going to say yes. "Fine, fine. I'll see you in an hour or so."

Liyin muttered grateful thank yous as Zhou Mi hung up. He rolled over, smushing his face into the pillow. For a brief moment he contemplated going back to sleep. Then his conscience got the better of him and he forced himself out of bed, one heavy limb at a time.


It wasn't the first time Liyin had called asking for a favour. She owned a cafe downtown, and had been having trouble replacing her barista after her previous one quit a few weeks ago, with none of the replacements meeting her standards. Hence all the calls to Zhou Mi - he knew his way around a coffee machine from his months working at a cafe when he was in university - back before he figured out that prostitution involved less work and paid much, much, more.

He'd first met Liyin at the Agency. She was several years younger than him, and when she first started Zhou Mi had been a mentor, of sorts. She hadn't lasted long, but Zhou Mi hadn't expected her to - she was too soft, too kind - far too tender for sex work. Zhou Mi had been glad when she'd quit, and it was partially the reason he never said no when she asked, even when she called him at 5am - he never wanted to see her back in it.

It was 6.30am by the time Zhou Mi showed up, knocking on the front door to be let in.

"You're here!" Liyin exclaimed, unlocking the door and tossing him an apron. She had a smudge of flour on her nose, and the cafe smelt like freshly baked muffins. Zhou Mi tied the apron around his waist and went straight to work, turning on the coffee machine and heading to the storeroom to grab a new stack of coffee cups. He made himself and Liyin a cup before they both fell into the rhythm of preparing for opening.

The day passed quickly. The cafe was small, but in a prime location, and the flow of customers was constant. Zhou Mi and Liyin didn't talk much, both snowed under with their respective tasks - Zhou Mi focussing on the coffee orders, and Liyin taking care of almost everything else.

He knew that she had plans to expand, but the kitchen needed an upgrade before this could happen, and he knew that Liyin didn't have the capital saved up for it. Some days he wondered how she kept going with the long hours and constantly being on the brink of financial collapse. He didn't envy her life.

By the time it was closing time, Zhou Mi's feet ached and the lack of sleep had definitely caught up with him. The numerous coffees he'd chugged through the day had worn off, and he wanted to do nothing more than fall into his bed and stay there for 24 hours.

"Do you have a customer tonight?" Liyin asked, dishcloth in hand as she wiped down the tables in steady circles.

"Yes," Zhou Mi said with a yawn, unable to hold it back. "Of course."

Liyin paused, looking guilty. "I'm sorry. You must be so tired. Go home and take a nap, I'll finish closing up."

"You need me again tomorrow, right?"

Liyin was silent but looked at him with hopeful eyes, wringing the cloth in her hands.

Zhou Mi sighed as he undid his apron, folding it neatly and placing it underneath the counter. He clapped her gently on the shoulder on his way out. "See you tomorrow."


Zhou Mi only managed to catch a few hours of sleep before his alarm sounded. Because he was nothing but dedicated, he resisted the urge to hit the snooze button, rolling out of bed and into the shower. The warm water helped waken him a little, though by the time he'd dried himself off he was feeling a bit droopy again.

Zhou Mi stared at himself in the mirror and patted his cheeks. "C'mon, Zhou Mi, you can do this," he muttered, giving himself a little pep talk as he ran a comb through his hair. He styled it carefully, lightly did his face, and then went to his closet to select an outfit.

In the taxi to the hotel, Zhou Mi gave Jia a call.

"Hey, just checking in. I'm on my way to see Kyuhyun."

"Great," she replied, before saying, "You sound tired."

"I am. I was at the cafe today."

"Again? You need to stop helping the kid out."

Zhou Mi fidgeted with the collar of his shirt, unhappy with the way it was lying. His hand brushed over his collarbones. They seemed more prominent - had he lost weight? "I know, but -"

"You're too soft."

At that he scoffed. Soft? That was the last thing he was. "You're the only person who's ever said that to me."

Jia laughed at him. "Maybe because no one else knows you as well as I do."

"Yeah, yeah." It was probably the truth - they'd known one another for a long time and there probably wasn't anyone else who'd seen Zhou Mi at both his best and his worst. Still, Zhou Mi wouldn't describe himself as soft. He glanced out the window, noticing that the taxi was almost at the hotel. "I need to go. Is there anything else?"

"Nope," Jia confirmed. "Enjoy. Stay safe. Talk to you later."

They hung up just as the taxi came to a stop. Zhou Mi reached into his pocket, pulling out a couple of bills, and handed them over before exiting.


When Kyuhyun opened the door, Zhou Mi had his show face on. "I wasn't sure if I'd see you again," Zhou Mi said in greeting, his gaze steady with no trace of the exhaustion he felt. "Since you didn't even come last time."

Kyuhyun pinked a tiny bit, so slight that it could've been missed if Zhou Mi hadn't been looking for it. "It was my first time."

Zhou Mi raised an eyebrow. "With a prostitute?"

Kyuhyun's pink turned into a proper blush, as if he'd just realised the implications of what he'd said. "Yes, with a -- I mean," he stuttered, "I'm not a virgin."

So he had been nervous. Normally Zhou Mi didn't find the whole innocent virgin thing cute, but on Kyuhyun it was a little endearing. He bet Kyuhyun would be one of those clients who liked to cuddle afterwards. He followed Kyuhyun into the room, the same one as last time, wondering if Kyuhyun had just booked the place for an entire week.

"So," Kyuhyun said as they crossed the room. "Your agency sent me your list…"

It was usual practice - every client received a list of "yes" and "nos". The list was generally pretty standard - with the nos it was basic items like no sex without condoms, no leaving marks, that kind of thing. With the yes list, each worker added the things that they were personally willing to do. Zhou Mi was open to a lot, so his was longer than many of the others.

"Kissing is okay?" Kyuhyun asked, as if he was unsure. Zhou Mi wondered if he'd memorised the list. Had he studied it?

Maybe he should test him later.

"Yes," Zhou Mi confirmed, in response to his question. He'd always thought that rule - no kissing - was stupid. Kissing wasn't more intimate than fucking, not to him anyway. Maybe it'd be different if he had a boyfriend but for now, it was on the yes list.

Zhou Mi backed Kyuhyun into a chair, watching with amusement as he flopped down on it. Zhou Mi immediately straddled him, hands splaying across Kyuhyun's chest, eyes dipping to the bow of his mouth. He could feel Kyuhyun's heart fluttering under his fingers.

"Are you nervous?" Zhou Mi teased lightly. It was sweet - somewhat disarming. In the past, Zhou Mi had had clients who made him feel awful about himself, who enjoyed seeing him degraded (though he never gave them the satisfaction of showing it) and it was always a risk of meeting someone new. Fortunately, so far, Kyuhyun didn't seem to be one of those assholes.

"It's... it's been a while," Kyuhyun explained.

"Don't be nervous, I'm a sure thing," he purred, leaning in closer, giving Kyuhyun an opportunity to back away. When he didn't, he captured his lips in his, giving him a bit of tongue as Kyuhyun let out a little moan. Zhou Mi started unbuttoning Kyuhyun's shirt as they kissed, pulling it open and slipping it off Kyuhyun's shoulders, his skin warm under his fingers.

"What do you want?" Zhou Mi asked. "Do you want my mouth? My ass?" He brushed Kyuhyun's nipples with his thumbs, leaning down to tongue teasingly at them as he ground shamelessly down into Kyuhyun's lap.

Kyuhyun let out a groan at that. "Your mouth. Please."

"So polite." Zhou Mi pulled back, but remained perched in Kyuhyun's lap. "Here?"

Kyuhyun's eyes flicked to the bed. Zhou Mi took his hand, getting up and lead him to the bed where he pushed him down gently.

"Get comfortable."

Kyuhyun climbed up and laid back, propped up a little on the pillows. Zhou Mi knelt on the bed, in between Kyuhyun's legs, running his hands up Kyuhyun's inner thighs, coming up to loosen the belt on Kyuhyun's pants. He eased the zip down, deliberately brushing over Kyuhyun's crotch, smirking to himself as he dipped his head to mouth at the bump in the material, seeing that Kyuhyun was already half hard.

"Don't tease me. Please."

"I thought you liked the anticipation," Zhou Mi grinned, but he stopped playing around, pulling out a condom from his pocket. "Up," he said, so he could pull Kyuhyun's boxer briefs and his trousers down his hips and butt. He nuzzled Kyuhyun's thighs, smelling soap and arousal. Zhou Mi didn't keep him waiting any longer, wrapping a hand around his cock to bring him to full hardness before ripping open the condom packet and sliding it on to Kyuhyun's erection. Kyuhyun let out a little gasp when Zhou Mi wrapped his lips around the head, his eyes fluttering to a close.

Zhou Mi kept a hand wrapped around the base, flattening his tongue and taking more into his mouth. There was no need to be modest - and Zhou Mi wasn't anyway, not about things he knew that he was good at - he was proud of his cocksucking skills and had always rather enjoyed them. Even when he was on his knees, it felt like he was the one in charge. There was something about having the weight of a man's cock on his tongue, feeling them shiver as he swallowed them down, that he found pleasing.

Kyuhyun had his hands clenched by his side, and Zhou Mi pulled off for a second. Kyuhyun's eyes flew open, a low whine in his throat.

"Easy," Zhou Mi said soothingly, grabbing one of Kyuhyun's hands in his. "We have plenty of time." As if he wasn't already counting down the minutes in his mind. He grabbed one of Kyuhyun's hands in his.

He had nice hands, Zhou Mi noted, long shapely fingers, not as bony and large as his own. Zhou Mi tugged them down to rest them in his hair, smiling to himself when Kyuhyun tightened his grip, pulling slightly on the strands.

He did remember the list.

Zhou Mi hollowed his cheeks, sucking hard, a hand stroking lightly at Kyuhyun's balls. He was pleased when Kyuhyun bucked involuntarily, muttering a quick, "Sorry, sorry," even as it made him choke, unprepared for it. He relaxed his throat muscles, sinking down further on Kyuhyun's cock until it hit the back of his throat, holding it there for a moment as Kyuhyun's voice cracked as he moaned.

"Jesus, fuck," Kyuhyun swore. That could have been one of Zhou Mi's favourite sounds in the world, hearing a man moan like that, knowing he was the case of it.

Zhou Mi bobbed his head back up, tonguing the underside of the shaft as Kyuhyun threw his head back, breaths getting faster. His hands tightened further in Zhou Mi's hair, to the point where it was almost painful, but Zhou Mi kind of liked it.

It wasn't long until Kyuhyun came, spilling into the condom, body convulsing almost awkwardly.

"You're really good at that," Kyuhyun complimented after he had a chance to catch his breath. He tugged at his arms, pulling him up and Zhou Mi crawled up his body, admiring Kyuhyun's flushed heaving chest, pleased with the effect that he'd had on him. Kyuhyun's lips parted, tongue swiping across his lower lip, and Zhou Mi knew what he wanted.

"I taste like latex," he warned.

"Don't care," Kyuhyun replied, licking his lips again, and Zhou Mi followed the movement with his own, dipping his head. Zhou Mi knew he didn't taste pleasant, but Kyuhyun didn't seem to mind, humming in contentment as they kissed, tugging him down so his body weight was on Kyuhyun. Chest to chest, groin to groin, skin hot.

"Want to fuck you," Kyuhyun muttered into Zhou Mi's mouth, hand curled around Zhou Mi's ass.

"You can - if you can get it up again," Zhou Mi teased. He was taken by surprise when Kyuhyun managed to flip him over, reversing their positions, a growl low in his throat.

"I think I can."

They made out for a little, Kyuhyun's hands at Zhou Mi's belt, doing his best to unbuckle it without looking. He wasn't having much luck, and Kyuhyun stopped kissing him to look down. It was at that moment, despite Zhou Mi's best attempts to stifle it, that he yawned.

"Sorry!" Zhou Mi immediately said, before Kyuhyun even had a chance to react. "I was up early this morning. Don't stop." He cupped his hands around Kyuhyun's ass, pulling him close, tighter. "Don't stop. Fuck me."

Inside he was cursing himself for letting the yawn slip. Way to go, he berated himself. Make your client think that he's boring you. He tried to draw Kyuhyun's attention back to him with a kiss, but instead Kyuhyun rolled off him.

"It's okay." He sat up, brushing a hand over Zhou Mi's cheek, the touch oddly tender. "I'm seeing you tomorrow anyway. Go home and get some sleep."

When Zhou Mi didn't move, still annoyed at himself, Kyuhyun offered a hand to pull him up. "Really. It's okay. I mean it."

Zhou Mi left the hotel feeling dazed. He sent Jia a quick text to let her know that he'd left and took a taxi home.


The next morning he still felt out of sorts, but showed up at the cafe bright and early. At least being there helped him take his mind off the previous night's faux pas, even though it was kind of Liyin's fault that it had happened.

"I need to be out of here by 3," he told her as they prepared to open, Zhou Mi pulling the chairs off the table and setting them on the floor. "I have an appointment. Can you close by yourself?"

"Yeah, I should be. Thanks. I appreciate any time you can spare for me!"

At 3pm, Zhou Mi bid Liyin farewell, somehow (stupidly) agreeing to come again the following morning. Maybe Jia was right about him being soft. Zhou Mi made his way to his appointment - his financial advisor, Siwon, a long time acquaintance of his from his college days.

Siwon was doing well for himself, he had a swanky office in a newly refitted highrise on the edge of the central business district. He definitely charged enough for his services, but Zhou Mi supposed it was worth it - would be worth it in the end. He saw him every six months or so. Siwon knew what he did, of course, although he didn't approve.

But money was money in the end, and money had a way of speaking the loudest.

It was fortunate that prostitution had been legalised a few years before Zhou Mi started, because it enabled him to have legitimate earnings. It galled him a little to have to pay tax on them, but on the other hand it meant that his money was clean.

In Siwon's office they began with a stocktake of Zhou Mi's earnings over the past six months. Zhou Mi always got the impression that Siwon was slightly disbelieving about the amount that he earnt, but it was all there - clear as anything. Numbers didn't lie. Afterwards they moved on to the state of Zhou Mi's current investments. He owned stocks in a few companies, plus a couple of investment properties. Siwon was keen for him to diversify his investments further - Zhou Mi had a large amount of cash sitting in a savings account, which wasn't generating enough interest for Siwon's liking, but Zhou Mi wanted to keep it for backup. He had thoughts of buying another property, maybe starting a business one day, but they were just thoughts at this stage. He knew that he couldn't be a prostitute forever - the day would come where he'd be considered too old and no one would want him.

Most of the others at the Agency frittered their earnings away on designer clothes and fancy jewellery, and Zhou Mi also had a weakness for nice, pretty, expensive things. But fortunately he had Siwon to keep his tastes in check - who made him save and invest the bulk of his earnings. He was all too keenly aware that in his line of work he could only rely on himself. Nothing, he constantly reminded himself, was as nice or as pretty as financial security.

It took a bit of convincing but eventually Zhou Mi agreed to let Siwon use some of his savings to buy into another fund. "Just some - not all," he said sternly. Siwon was satisfied with that, and they shook on it before Zhou Mi left. He headed home for a rest before he had to see Kyuhyun that night.

Just like the previous day he snuck in a short nap, setting aside enough time to be able to take a long shower. He brushed his teeth before dressing. After doing his hair, spraying on cologne, doing a tiny bit of makeup, and checking that he had supplies in his bag - he was ready to go. Almost. There was no way he was going to yawn in Kyuhyun's face again, so he quickly swallowed a double espresso before leaving his apartment.

As per his usual routine, he checked in with Jia on the taxi ride to the hotel. He'd noticed that after these commitments with Kyuhyun that there was an empty spot in his schedule for several days.

"I thought you could use some time off," Jia told him after he asked her about it. "You've been working constantly. When was the last time you took a holiday?"

A long time ago. Far too long ago to remember. But that wasn't her choice to make for him. There was always the constant worry, something that he pushed down, that he would be forced out, subtly told that he was no longer necessary. He rarely got new clients now, Kyuhyun being the first in a while, and while there was positives in having a regular customer base it was also limiting. What happened when they moved on? When they got bored of him?

Zhou Mi knew that he had a short shelf life as it was, he didn't need her making it any shorter. He hated it when people thought they knew the best for him, hated having his decisions made for him.

"I don't need a break," he said curtly. "I can be booked on those days." His tone left no room for disagreement.

The conversation with Jia soured his mood a little, and it took a fair effort to shake it off so it wouldn't affect his demeanor when he arrived.


By the time he knocked on the door to the room, he was smiling again, and it turned real when he saw Kyuhyun's face.

"Good evening," he greeted when Kyuhyun opened it, walking in and crowding into Kyuhyun's personal space as he slung his arms around Kyuhyun's shoulders. "Hi." Kyuhyun tipped his head up a little, making Zhou Mi smile - he was awfully unsubtle. Zhou Mi leant down to kiss him, walking him backwards until the back of Kyuhyun's calves hit the bed. "Are you going to fuck me today?" Zhou Mi asked him teasingly, his bad mood forgotten.

He'd always been good at compartmentalising, and while Kyuhyun was a job he was turning out to be one that Zhou Mi was enjoying. He was good looking, smart, and he seemed kind and sweet - as well as undemanding. From Zhou Mi's experience, rich men tended to be unaware of their own arrogance. They expected their smallest desires to just fall into their laps, but so far Kyuhyun hadn't displayed that quality at all.

"Yes, god yes," Kyuhyun said in response to his question, and Zhou Mi grinned, pushing him down gently so he was flat on the bed. He climbed over, legs on either side of Kyuhyun's hips.

"How? Like this?" He grinded purposely down into Kyuhyun's crotch, admiring the way Kyuhyun blushed prettily, agreeing almost frantically.

"Okay, yes, yes."

In between kisses Zhou Mi shucked off his shirt, helping Kyuhyun with his as well, before working on removing their pants. When they were both naked, Zhou Mi returned them to the same position as before - Kyuhyun on his back and Zhou Mi on top of him, knees on either side of Kyuhyun's hips, lube and condoms within easy reach on the bed.

"Want to watch?" Zhou Mi asked as he flipped the cap off the lube. He thought that Kyuhyun might like to see this part, judging from previous visits and he knew he was right when he heard Kyuhyun bite off a moan when he penetrated himself with a finger. "Yes?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Zhou Mi didn't really need to prepare himself - he'd done that earlier - but he still took his time, stretching and fucking himself on his fingers, letting out little moans and gasps as he toyed with himself as Kyuhyun watched. "Going to fuck me? Want to fuck me?" he asked after he'd worked four in, and at Kyuhyun's quick agreement, he said, almost an order, "Condom."

Kyuhyun quickly ripped open the packet, rolling the latex down his erection, even grabbing the lube and giving himself a couple of quick strokes to ensure he was all nicely slick. Zhou Mi didn't make him wait any longer, having teased him enough with the show, getting himself into position and slowly lowering himself on Kyuhyun's cock. When he bottomed out Kyuhyun let out a groan but was otherwise still, his hands gripping tightly on to Zhou Mi's hips. Kyuhyun let Zhou Mi set the pace, waiting patiently, his bottom lip held tightly in between his teeth as Zhou Mi swiveled his hips, grinding himself down in a way that felt pleasant for him but was probably tortuous for Kyuhyun.

Zhou Mi had always loved this feeling, the stretch, the fullness, and he revelled in it for a moment, throwing his head back and exposing the long line of his throat. He was vain enough to know that he looked good like this, and by the way Kyuhyun was trembling slightly, he knew he felt good too.

"More, please, more," Kyuhyun said pleadingly.

Kyuhyun was so good, so patient. Zhou Mi liked that a lot, and rewarded him by picking up the pace, turning the shallow movements of his hips deeper and faster until the room was filled with the sounds of their moans and the slapping of skin on skin.

"Oh, god, going to --" Kyuhyun panted, shuddering, and Zhou Mi used his muscles to tighten around him, drawing out his orgasm as Kyuhyun clawed at the bed, pushing himself upwards and as deep into Zhou Mi as possible. He was surprised when Kyuhyun reached down straight away to jerk him off. He was already stimulated from riding Kyuhyun and it only took a couple of tugs before he was spilling over Kyuhyun's fingers, his orgasm rocking through him in waves.

"Fuck," he stuttered, chest heaving. When he was able to open his eyes he found Kyuhyun smiling at him in satisfaction.

"I like seeing you come."


He called Jia from the cab instead of texting her, not quite feeling able to type out a whole message. "Going home," he said, when she picked up.

"Hmmm. Someone sounds well fucked."

Zhou Mi pressed his cheek against the cold window of the car and smiled, closing his eyes. "Indeed."


Zhou Mi swayed on his feet, contemplating a third cup of coffee. The cafe had been slammed for hours - Liyin really needed to hire some more permanent workers - but there was a lull for the moment. He shut his eyes.

He could hear someone ordering at the counter - someone who sounded awfully familiar. When Zhou Mi looked over he found Kyuhyun staring at him. He looked tired too, hair unruly, and his charcoal pin-striped pants marred with deep creases at the thighs, just visible underneath his blazer, like he'd been sitting down for hours.

"Ummm," Kyuhyun said, eyes darting around, as if he wasn't sure if he was allowed to acknowledge Zhou Mi's presence.

"Hi Kyuhyun," Zhou Mi said as he wiped the steam wand of the machine clean, putting him out of his misery. Liyin's eyes flicked between the two of them. "Liyin, this is one of my clients - Kyuhyun."

"I didn't know you worked here," Kyuhyun said, stepping away from Liyin's part of the counter and towards Zhou Mi.

"I don't really, I'm just helping out my friend."

"Ahhh. I work around the corner," Kyuhyun explained. He waited in silence as Zhou Mi made his coffee. It was awkward, like he wasn't sure how how familiar he was allowed to be. Zhou Mi handed him his cup once he was finished. "Ummm… see you tonight?"

"See you," Zhou Mi agreed.

As soon as he left, Liyin was full of questions. "He's one of your clients? You haven't told me about him!"

"I don't tell you about any of them," Zhou Mi huffed.

"Yeah but he's young and he's cute. How old is he? He looks like he's younger than you."

"A couple of years younger."

"That's unusual. Is he nice?"

Trust Liyin to ask if he was nice, as if that was the most important thing. "He's rich and he tips well. That's all I care about," Zhou Mi told her.


Several hours later, Zhou Mi knocked on the door of the hotel room. He waited. And waited some more. Normally Kyuhyun answered the door straight away, knowing that he would be arriving. A little confused, he tried again, wondering if he needed to call Jia.

The door flew open to Kyuhyun apologising profusely. "Sorry!" He had a bathrobe loosely tied around him, and his hair was so wet it was dripping on the material of the robe. It looked like he'd just gotten out of the shower and he explained as Zhou Mi entered the room, "Sorry, I got stuck at work."

Zhou Mi followed him inside, kicking the door shut behind him and reaching for the strings of the bathrobe. "Busy day, huh."

Kyuhyun sighed as Zhou Mi tugged the robe open. He was naked underneath. "Yeah. Really…" he sighed again as Zhou Mi ran a finger along the wet drops still glistening on his chest. "Busy."

"You're so tense," Zhou Mi remarked. "Why don't you lie down and I'll take care of that." He pulled away, giving instructions. "Robe off, face down."

Kyuhyun listened so well, Zhou Mi thought, as he did as he was asked without question, dropping the robe to the floor and lying down on the bed. Zhou Mi left the room briefly to search the bathroom for a bottle of moisturiser, returning with it. He squirted a small amount on his hands, rubbing them together quickly as he climbed on to the bed, and then running them along the line of Kyuhyun's back, digging into the muscles.

"Oh," Kyuhyun said in pleased surprise, his voice muffled by the bed.

"Is the pressure okay?"

"Uh huh. I didn't know you knew how to massage."

"I'm very talented with my hands," Zhou Mi joked, using the heels of his palms to work out the knots in Kyuhyun's shoulders. He really was very tense, all the muscles tight with stress, but they gradually loosened as Zhou Mi worked his way down Kyuhyun's back. In fact, his breathing had settled so much that Zhou Mi suspected he had fallen asleep - that is, until he reached the top of Kyuhyun's ass. Kyuhyun jolted when Zhou Mi began to massage his glutes, and Zhou Mi grinned to himself, only giving them a small amount of attention before moving down to his thighs and legs.

"Okay, turn over," he commanded, pulling back so Kyuhyun had space to flip on to his back. Kyuhyun wasn't hard, but not limp either, in that half way state and he locked his eyes on the ceiling as a blush travelled up his chest, obviously feeling exposed by his nakedness. Zhou Mi didn't comment on it, squeezing another dollop of moisturiser on his hands and continuing with the massage on Kyuhyun's front, beginning with the sides of his neck and shoulders before travelling down his arms. Zhou Mi watched Kyuhyun's face as he worked, until eventually his eyelids drooped and he closed his eyes, and it was then that Zhou Mi leant down and licked a circle around Kyuhyun's nipple.


Zhou Mi grinned to himself, giving it a gentle bite, before soothing the sting with another lap of his tongue. He licked over to the other one, giving it a suck until it was perky and erect like its twin. When he looked down, Kyuhyun's cock had fully hardened, standing up and stiff against his stomach.

"I think I've done something wrong, you don't look relaxed at all," Zhou Mi said with a faux pout as he wrapped a hand around Kyuhyun's erection, twisting upwards. Kyuhyun bucked into his grip and Zhou Mi tsked at him, holding him still. "Tell me what you want tonight."

"Ummm, I liked that - last night --"

"You liked me riding you? Liked the way I fucked myself down on your cock?" As he spoke he ran his thumb across the head of Kyuhyun's cock, making him moan.

He could see red travelling up Kyuhyun's neck. He was so easy to fluster, to tease. It was fun, Zhou Mi decided. "Sit up," he suggested, and Kyuhyun did so, moving up the bed so he was leaning against the headboard. Zhou Mi knelt in front of him, placing a condom on him, before lining Kyuhyun's cock up with his entrance. There was no teasing, no playing tonight. He sank down quickly, enjoying the feeling of Kyuhyun's cock, the head catching slightly on his rim before slipping in. He bottomed out, and unlike the previous night when he'd gone slow, tortuously slow, he started tonight with a quick pace, his thighs working hard as he bounced up and down in Kyuhyun's lap.

His arms were draped over Kyuhyun's shoulders, and he used them, along with his legs, to force himself up and down. Kyuhyun's mouth hung open, gasping for breath as he thrust up in time with Zhou Mi's movements.

The muscles in Zhou Mi's thighs were starting to ache with the exertion but he could tell Kyuhyun was close. He started whispering dirty words into Kyuhyun's ear, "It feels so good, you fuck me so well, love being stuffed full," until Kyuhyun came with a shout, clutching him tightly, and Zhou Mi followed him over the edge a little later.


Zhou Mi was buttoning up his shirt when the question came.

It always came - in one way or another. There were many variations, masked as questions about his life, his finances, but they all meant the same thing.

Zhou Mi was silent for a long moment, fingers deftly securing his buttons. He knew exactly what Kyuhyun was asking, and Zhou Mi didn't believe in sweetening words that tasted bitter. So he replied, turning to Kyuhyun, who was still sprawled on the bed, "Why am I a whore?"

"No," Kyuhyun protested, sitting up. "That wasn't what I - I just wondered - I mean, you're so put together..."

And it was the naivety in his tone, the innocence, the way Kyuhyun seemed truly unaware of how offensive he was being, that made Zhou Mi snap.

"If you're looking for a sob story - some kind of dark past - it doesn't exist. I had a good childhood. My parents love me. I went to college. I've never been abused. I don't have a drug addiction. I'm a whore because I like sex, and I like money."

"That wasn't what I meant --"

Except it was, and Zhou Mi knew it because he'd heard it 1000 times before.

"This isn't Pretty Woman, Kyuhyun. I don't need someone to save me. I also don't need someone to pity me or judge me, so if you're going to do either of those things - don't book me anymore."

Kyuhyun recoiled, like he'd been physically hit. And even though every word was true, Zhou Mi regretted saying them as soon as they left his mouth. He should have tempered himself. He wasn't paid for the truth - he was paid for a fantasy, and he'd just gone and ruined it.

But he didn't apologise, proud as always, and in the end it was Kyuhyun who did so.

"I'm sorry. That was rude of me." He reached over to grab his wallet from where he'd placed it on the bedside table, removing a few notes which he leant forward to push into Zhou Mi's hand. "Thank you for tonight."

It was an obvious dismissal, and Zhou Mi finished dressing in silence before making his way to the door. To his surprise, Kyuhyun walked with him, and just before he left, he said, "Just for the record - I don't. Pity you. Or judge you."

The door closed, leaving Zhou Mi in the hallway. Good work, he told himself, knowing that he'd just ruined any chances of getting further bookings from Kyuhyun.

He wondered if he should call Jia to alert her that a complaint about him was forthcoming. His hand closed around the money in his pocket. No doubt it was overly generous - as per usual.

He pulled it out to have a look and found that he was correct.

Part 2

qmi, kyuhyun, zhou mi

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