Ooo, shiny! Fiction!

Jul 14, 2010 11:49

So um. I tried my hand at a tiiiiny liiiittle Doctor Who snippet, Ten's era. It's nothing much; just opened Word and started typing.

A Different Kind of Offer
Fandom: Doctor Who
Length: ~450 words
Characters/Pairing: The Doctor (Ten) and The Master
Rating: G
Setting: During 'The End of Time'
Disclaimer: Everything owned by BBC and all those involved in this wonderful show. Again, this is the FIRST I've written in the Doctor Who fandom, so I'm just trying to get into Ten's head :)

It is a proposition he's made more times than he can remember. One he's taken lightly because the answer has always been yes, if not at that moment than a few minutes later when he's explained the situation. Told them that will you look at that, this little blue box doesn't just travel through space but time as well. He'd stand there, the door to the TARDIS slightly ajar and smile. Their smile would be slower to show but eventually it would shine and they'd say it was bigger on the inside and they'd be off. Traveling space and time together, saving galaxies, taking breaks, sharing in victories with laughter or defeats in a mutual silence. And for a while, he would have that companionship, a whole eternity to share with someone at his side.

But it never lasts, the curse of the Time Lord making itself known and taking yet another friend from him. He'd tried traveling alone but then he'd be reminded why he'd had to escape the War. Couldn't turn into those who had taught him all he knew. Needed to have a companion to keep him grounded and stop him from going too far. Except they were rooted to Earth, humans at their most basic.

And he was not. So the offers were his way of surviving. Knowing pain would come with them was only an afterthought because right then and there the friendship was what he needed the most.

Here, though, with the world crumbling around him, the Doctor knows his offer, this offer, is something different. To share his travels with someone who understands him, someone he's been looking for ever since he ended the War without acknowledging it...oh, he can hardly imagine it. He hears the words leave his lips as he extends his hand to the Master, eyes pleading and thoughts scattered to every corner of his mind. Here's someone who doesn't have anyone, like him. Who won't grow old. Who shares the pain he lives with every day, burying it under cheeky comments and new worlds. The Doctor isn't thinking about what may happen in the future, what could happen if he can't change the Master's thoughts about what's "right" for the world.

He can give the Master another chance. Show him a life without the constant drums and perhaps make him forgot about what he saw all those hundreds of years ago. The Doctor and the Master, the last of their kind traveling through time and space like the Time Lords were meant to.

"Just take my hand," the Doctor pleads, hand outstretched as the universe falls around them. "I can help you. Just give me a chance." Because no one has really ever said no to the Doctor, and this is one first that can't happen.


In more Doctor Who news, does anyone know where I can get a TARDIS necklace? I'd really like a nice, cute one to wear, or maybe a bracelet, but can't seem to find sites that seem reliable. Perhaps a site someone created to sell their own items? Any help is appreciated!

ALSO. I've got one more episode to go on Blackpool. subtle_sarcasm recommened it to me after I asked for other shows with the wonderful David Tennant. I loooove it! And I really don't want it to end. It's funny, because America tried to adapt it, called it 'Viva Laughlin', and only got 2 episodes out of it before it was canceled XD

I think I need to get rid of my paid account DDD: I'd feel much too guilty spending the money on it when it'd be money from loans. Before I leave for vacation I'm going to cancel it and trim down my icons. I hate doing it but ugh, I don't think I have a choice lol

Once again yes, I've been horribly MIA, and I'm very sorry for that.


fandom news, lj, are you a fan of delicious flavor?, doctor who, psych, fiction, allons-y!, fiction: doctor who

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