Charlotte-4 Months through 8 Months

Feb 22, 2013 22:56

Okay so A) I'm seriously regretting not keeping up on documenting her milestones better. I've done somewhat decently, but I know I'm forgetting a lot, and that kind of sucks. B) This post is going to end up ridiculously long. C) I apologize in advance for the zillions of photos I am about to post. I'll use lj-cuts, I promise. (;

According to my handy dandy calendar, nothing significant happened around this time. So here's a photo of Charlotte, looking adorable.

Again, nothing too significant. She's sitting up A LOT now, but she still needs to hold onto me for balance. She babbles a ton and smiles even more. (: Another picture!

Alright, now we're getting fun! Charlotte started sitting up on her on on December 17th! She ate her first food (zucchinni spears) on the 27th. Her reaction to them was so-so. I gave her banana on the 30th and she was thoroughly unimpressed. This was a cool month for me, not only because of the developmental milestones and the introduction of solids, but also because it was my birthday month, Robert's birthday month and her half-birthday (which is apparently a thing, according to the mom groups I've joined). Yay for December!

This was another fun month!! On January 16th, she rolled from her back to her tummy. This has opened up a whole new world for her. She is now essentially as mobile as she can be without crawling or walking. She rolls everywhere! She's incredibly deft with her hands and she grabs absolutely everything, which unfortunately includes my hair, face, phone, food... everything. On the 30th her first tooth appeared after a ridiculously long period of teething. I then got about a one week respite from teething hell before it started back up again. Thankfully, that tooth just poked it's evil little head through today, so hopefully I get another break before the next round. Oh, we also got to endure the worst of the teething while driving from Arizona to Texas (more on that in a later post). Fun times! I apologize for my body suit choice for her 7 month picture. I don't know what I was thinking! You can hardly make out her month sticker. Oh well! ​

Phew, okay, I'm almost caught up!! Alright, for the month of February, Charlotte has started to get up on all 4s!!! She isn't quite crawling, but she's terrifyingly close. The cats are doomed when she figures it out. She just started scooting backwards a few days ago, and she can move side to side. So she pretty much can go anywhere she wants, just not in a straight line and not terribly quickly. Yet. Also this month, I bought my first ever DSLR so now my pictures won't suck as bad! Yay! I love love LOVE my new camera! I have taken dozens of pictures of her already. And of the cat. And the stroller. And the kitchen. Hey, I needed practice.

That's it for now! I'll post later and bore you all with the details of our move from AZ to TX. (: 
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