How did these past 2 days just disappear?

Nov 09, 2010 00:03

Somehow I seem to have missed two days of posting at 31_days

I have no idea how this happened, because I am sure I've been writing and I planned out when I was going to post which drabble... How strange to lose all sense of time like that! I'll just have to save these 2 fics for the amnesty day they do at the end of the month. It'll give me more time to work on them I guess... but you all know how I am with extended time ^^;

Anyway, here's the Kyoko/Corn, Ren/Kyoko piece I posted on Saturday, for the Nov 6th prompt "This night thy soul may be required of thee":

“I’m in love with the person who gave me this.” She lifted up the blue-violet stone and let it sparkle. “You know who I mean, don’t you?”

I may also upload this to FFN later.

Now I must work on tomorrow's fic! I thought I had so much more time!

31 days, fic, skip beat, nanowrimo

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