Zutara = Draco/Hermione WHUT?

Mar 07, 2008 14:21

So whenever i read a good fic on FFN, i automatically go back to the author's page and see what their fave stories are in order to find more good reading... it usually works out pretty well. But in the case of Zutara fics, i guess since the fandom is still fairly new, i run into a lot of dead-ends... all these authors seem to have in their favorite stories listing are Draco/Hermione fics.. which is like searching for hot guys and ending up in a gay bar to me... like yay!fics!... but fics i have no idea how to go about enjoying...even if they are hot and well written... i mean really? Draco/Hermione? He called her the Wizarding equivalent of the N-word.. but yeah to each his own i guess...

in any case it leads me to a disappointing lack of Zutara ficcage.. the AU's are pretty fun (the Blue Rose!) but i want some nice canon!based stuff (like Stormbenders) why does
fandomme keep her lj f-locked?? so barring any new fics i'm stuck imagining scenarios.. (and no 
crystalteari still haven't written that Mai-->Zuko-->Katara piece) but I was plaing around with an Aladdin re-write...with Zuko as the sheltered prince and Katara as the street-rat (or mouse ^^) 
but now that i think about it, doesn't that sound a lot like cinderella? whoa..revelation: Aladdin = Cinderella in reverse... crazy stuff man... genie = fairy godmother.. Jafar = evil stepmother?? abu and carpet as gus-gus and jack.. and IAGO = LUCIFER!!!

ok that is awesome-ness right there.. i will end here on that note so as not to taint the genius

zutara, hp, avatar

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