on HP ficcage...

Nov 23, 2003 00:55

stolen from belismakr

The fanfic Queen.

Close on an expert. Tried and tested. You've done
most of what's on offer- slash, femmeslash,
het, self-insertion, and you know your way
around. You've seen some of the best fics
around, 'After the End', 'Irressistable
Poison', the Draco trilogy and can genarally
judge a fic in it's first couple of paragraphs.
You now generally stick with fics close to the
books although you're no stranger to
experimentation. As far as HP fanfiction's
concerned, you're very sorted.

What rabid Harry Potter fanfiction reader are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

fun quiz...but! i haven't read irresistable poison! anybody know where i can find it? after the end and the draco trilogy ROCK of course... i'm still waiting on the rest of Barb's fics and if alchemilla would finish her 'test of time' i could die happy...

hp, meme

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