because i missed the midnight mark...

Aug 06, 2005 03:57

“He’s just a boy.”

As he woke she realized he wasn’t just a boy, but a beautiful boy, with startling blue eyes that challenged her soul.  She couldn’t look away until he’d disappeared from her sight.

“That boy…”

He had reappeared, right into her classroom, right into the seat next to her, but he wouldn’t let her see his eyes. Not until she challenged him right back to be the boy he seemed to be.  Then he threatened to kill her, and she realized the boy had been hidden deep within the shell of an assassin.  So, it became her mission to rescue him from those depths.

How was she to know that she would end up saving every boy from that fate? And in doing so bury the girl that she was beneath the mask of a politician.

and in case you're curious, here are my entries for the previous themes:

Aug 1, Theme: Be indomitable, o my heart (Emma)

Aug 2, Theme: A school of morality (Eternal Sabbath) <---dedicated to smartycat and fangirlsdelight

Aug 3, Theme: Like Hamlet (Cowboy Bebop) <---dedicated to cute_nessie fellow Spike/Julia fan

Aug 4, Theme: She left her life on Monday (Howl's Moving Castle) <---dedicated to coley_merrin of course, 'cause she made me watch the movie (which is awesome and i totally recommend it)

the think i like about this comm is that it makes me write outside my comfort zone (i.e. the GW fandom) and the themes are complicated and challenging... you guys should all give it a try, it's fun!

31 days, eternal sabbath, cowboy bebop, fic, hmc, gundam wing, emma

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