A weight has been lifted.

Apr 06, 2006 19:51

I feel sooooo much better now. I found out i have been accepted to Queens, in Kingston. Im totally pumped. Im gonna be a highschool teacher!!! OMG! hehe. I also got in to Lakehead and Nippising and Im sure if I had waited, Ottawa as well as I was only 15 on the waiting list but Kingston seems the best choice for me. I have my aunt, uncle, cousin and baby cousin there so I'll have family. Dylan and I can live fairly cheaply which is nice, and i know i like it there already :) Plus, I dont really want to live near sudbury again so I'd like my teaching experience to be somewhere I would eventually enjoy settling down. So there you have it, my life is back on track, I know whats going to be happening to me in the next year and Im very happy about it. Rachel also told me how excited she is that Im moving there and that I have to come for sunday dinners :) And getting to move in with my huney bunny is a huge plus too! We're gonna have the coolest appartment ever, complete with pirate bathroom.
In other news, my parents came down for my show, which went very well. I got to show them everything Ive been working on for the past 4 years. Its more of a graduation for me than convocation would be. Here's the link to the online catalogue if anyone is interested;

1230 Phillip Street, 2006 Graduating Exhibit
I liked university but i really hated the petty bickering and the obvious favoritism that goes on in the fine arts building. If you want to know what I mean look under Lauren Hall, her work is aweful and she will be recieving the best mark in the class, and recieved a monetary award from the university becuase she sucks up. Very fair marking procedures in fine arts. Anyway, it's finally behind me and now I have a very good example of how NOT to teach for future refrence as an art teacher.
I had a good visit with the family. They brought me my new bigger tv, new towels and my crockpot from christmas. AND I got a new snazzy blender for my birthday and some money, so i went out and got American Girl, the whole series, Harry Potter 4, Airheads and a Vincent Price combo of The Raven and Comedy of Terrors :) It was fun. I wanted to spend it on something for myself before I wasted it on coffee. hehe. And jay got my a dancing and singing Gizmo as a congratulations present for getting into teachers college. My brother is the nicest ever :) I love little fuzzy gizmo, so cute. So besides presents for Sarah, i got to go out for a nice dinner with the family, dylan, tina and cheryl which was really really fun. I enjoyed getting to spend time with everyone together after my show. I also went to Guelph with my parents and Brit so we could meet little Mitchell, Bob and Jills new baby. So many little boys being born! It was fun, we had dinner and chatted and watched the baby be cute :) And when we werent out doing something, me and the family just chatted which I always enjoy.
Lately, Dylan and I have been watching the new BBC Doctor Who series that jay leant to us and we LOVE it. It's awesome and i HIGHLY recomment it for sci fi fans. On that note, I think Ill be off for now. I need to finish writing study notes for the Nicoles and its a new supernatural tonight too! wOOt. I love that show too. Well hope everything is good with everyone! *hugs*

queens, teachers college, birthday presents, exhibit

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