Well, today is the 26th! Which means that the DBSK's album is finally out!! *dances happily*
Now I just have to wait patiently for my beautiful album to arrive... who am I kidding? Since when can I wait patiently for this album?!?!? I want it NOW!!!! *spazzes*
Ok, must calm down...
Actually I had the chance to hear the full album already... *_* It's soooooooooooooooooooooo good!!
If I were to make a review of it... song by song... let me see...
Well, first, Mirotic: I love that song so much!! I can have it on repeat all day for like weeks!! Really good.
Wrong number: It has to be one of my absolute favourites in the album!! Love the rythm, the music itself, and Jae's rap is so OMG SO GOOD!!!
Look at....the Sunset: Junsu's song is just stuck in my head!! Even if I'm not listening to any music, this one always comes to my mind. As I was listening to it I can say, I was really getting tears in my eyes!! Is such a beautiful song!! I have to bow before Junsu's ability to write such beautiful lyrics.
Crazy Love: I love the song! It has a cute, although strong side to it... I can't really explain well, but is really good!
Hey! (don't bring me down): This one I knew already, and of course love it! It has such an amazing rhythm and it's addicting like "Mirotic" but in a different way.
You are my song: My favourite song!!! (actually it's difficult for me to choose just one...) I LOOOOVE this song since I heard it live (in their showcase). I just wished it was longer...only 3:32... but I love it so much... their vocals are just amazing here... specially Yunho... (but not only him).
Rainbow: Ok, this one...hum... I don't hate it....I mean, I don't hate any DBSK song, but maybe I have this 'thing' with songs called "Rainbow"... rofl... I wasn't very fond of the one in "T" also. I mean, it's okay, but not really my style...
Paradise: I must admit: the harp-thing in the begining made me fear for the song... but as I was listening to it I really liked it. It has a very soft and relaxing melody.
Are you a good girl?: Love the rhythm of it!! Such a good dance song!! (Love Yunho in this one!)
Flower Lady: One of my favourites! I mean, the song is so beautiful!!!! The melody is great and their vocals just go along with it perfectly.
Forgotten Season (Jaejoong's solo): I love his voice here... Ok, I love his voice all the time 'cause it's so beautiful that almost makes you think how can it be real, but I've heard the other versions of this song and...... I was curious with this one! Did not fail my expectations... this must be the best version of this song! Even better than the original. (sorry to those who like the other ones..)
Love in the Ice: Finally, Love in the Ice... Aigooo... I swear this song will always be incredible no matter what the language it is sung! I confess this is my all-time favourite japanese song!!! (because the original is in japanese, of course), but the korean version is so beautiful too... the words fit in perfectly and it's not all that strange to hear this version even if peple are used t the original one in japanese. I must say I'm impressed yet again with Changmin... he impressed me with the "Evergreen" lyrics, but the lyrics for "Love in the Ice" this time are really beautiful!! *pats Changmin* AND in this version we can hear Micky's high-note which we only heard when the song was performed live and which made me love the live version in their 3rd tour even more than the cd version...
I'm basically really happy that this album did meet my expectaions!! I don't regret one bit buying their album (and slowly become even more poor) 'cause it's worth it!! And this is the first time I buy a korean album... 'cause I started buying since "T" and the "T.R.I.C.K." singles...I really can't wait for it!! And I swear, they are trying to kill their fans... I just died after seing this:
The others:
Credits: as tagged + fangirlmitz + baidu + 비숑프리제 + 시크챵 + dnbn+tomopi+ringy+dreammssxx