Sateda, part I

Jan 11, 2012 00:25

Mission Title: Sateda
Title: Sateda
Author: jenn1969
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Sporked by: Cadmar and Miah
Rating: T for Teenage Interrogation
Disclaimer: The PPC was created by Jay and Acacia, the original assassins. Neither of us own Stargate Atlantis, which is the property of Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper. Sateda (the fic) is owned by jenn1969, who may keep it.
Warnings: Some bad language and innuendo

Thank you to our Beta readers: VM, Data_Junkie, Guvnor, and PoorCynic. Please note that Caddy and I claim any remaining mistakes. Our betas really went through a lot on this mission.

More stuff by Caddy-shack

Previous appearance: Interlude 4: Truth or Dare II


Cali and Cadmar were walking through the halls, Cadmar happily gesturing with her hands while she talked.

“Heh, that was a great movie. Aliens has to be one of my favorite films ever.” Cadmar smiled. “I remember watching it as a kid, my first thought was I wanted to be a Space Marine when I grew up. Even after I saw Star Wars and thought about being a Jedi.” Cadmar smiled at Cali. “Thanks for taking me, by the way. How did you know I liked it though?”

“Well, you liked The Shining so much, I thought this one would be good, too,” Cali muttered nervously, moving his hands toward Cadmar’s, but then quickly moving them away again, as if he wasn’t sure what to do with them.

“Yeah. It’s not even just horror movies, it’s the care people used to put into movies. Jaws was such a ground breaking thing, Alien even more so. I love being scared because of the tension.” Cadmar sighed happily. “That was fun.”

Cali chuckled lightly. “Yeah, it was a great movie. We should do that again soon.”

“Yeah...” Cadmar made a strange face. “I actually went out with someone. I wonder if hell has frozen over.” Cadmar grinned. “I guess they aren’t as mushy as romance fics make them out to be. I had a lot of fun, I’d totally be up for doing this again.”

“Sweet! Hey, I thought I was walking you home,” Cali complained, frowning at the door to The Lair. “I thought that’s what The Guy was supposed to do.”

Cadmar grinned. “I guess it’s good I brought you home then, isn’t it?” she asked cheekily.

“Um, uh--” Cali said, blushing. “So, we’re here. What do we do now?”

“Nothing, actually,” Maria announced. She opened the door, picked Cali up and put him over her shoulder. “YOU’RE coming with me. We need to talk.” She began walking away, ignoring Cali’s protests. “She’s all yours, Miah!” Maria called over her shoulder.

“Right this way, Missy,” Miah said, crooking her finger at Cadmar.

Cadmar checked her pockets for flashbang or smoke grenades, and cursed when she only found her Beretta. “Guess this was inevitable... I was surprised you didn’t jump me in the RC when we were playing Truth or Dare,” Cadmar muttered as she followed Miah into the RC.

“No weapons necessary, Cadmar. I just want to have a discussion about your intentions toward Cali,” Miah said, eyeing Cadmar’s search for weapons.

“In all honesty? I don’t know. Stuff like this is alien to me, I’m just kinda going with what happens,” Cadmar fidgeted, looking around the room. it was always interesting to see the invisible line that divided the room, one side messy and un-organized, obviously Miah’s, and the other clean and tidy, obviously Cali’s. Cadmar preferred the dark and cluttered feel to Maria’s RC. “You know I won’t actually try to hurt Cali, right? Well, unless he comes at me trying to kill me, but I don’t see him doing that.”

“I know both of you are, technically, old enough, but some of this is pretty new to you. Somebody explained the necessary precautions from your new perspective, right?” Miah asked.

Cadmar winced, “I really don’t think that’s a problem right now...”


“Oh dear, business is calling, I guess I better get going...” Cadmar stammered nervously and began walking backwards toward the door.

“Hang on, I wasn’t through,” Miah said, picking up the read-out. “Huh. You’ve been assigned to this one too, Stargate Atlantis.”

“Dammit...” Cadmar walked over to the Console. “Alright, you’ve trapped me. What’s the fic?”

“Hmm. Well. You don’t see this everyday.” Miah looked thoughtful as she added things to her bag. “We may need to exorcise some canons.”

SGA1 meets another Satedan. But she is nothing like the rest! Learn more about Sateda from OC Teagan's perspective. Ronon/Sheppard/OC

“Another Satedan? I guess that would be an appealing choice.” Cadmar edged over to the Replicator, hit a few buttons and several magazines of ammo for her Beretta appeared. She smiled and grabbed them. “Hey, is that a threesome in the summary? Excellent.”

“Between Sheppard and Ronon and an OC? No thanks,” Miah made a yuck face at Cadmar, then said, “You seem to have a thing for threesomes. You mentioned them in the Truth or Dare game, too.”

“What? I’m sure that would be interesting. Sheppard and Ronon would be fighting over the dominant role.” Cadmar grinned while further examining the room, sneakily watching Miah through the corner of her eyes to see her reaction.

“You know, relationships aren’t just about displays of dominance and aggression. It’s the small things--”

Miah was cut off by a blast of music, and the lyrics, “All the, small things. True care, truth brings, I’ll take, one lift--” The song abruptly cut off when Miah glared at Magee and Dinozzo. The two minis high-fived and ran back into the Adoption Center.

“Five minutes. I swear it’s not too much to ask for five minutes of peace from them. Hold down the fort for me, Ronan?”

The mini-Wraith peeked out of his curtained cabinet under Miah’s hammock and nodded.

“Thanks. So, Cadmar, you ready? You have all your supplies or you’re sure that I’ve got all the supplies?” Miah asked, holding her pack up to be inspected if Cadmar wanted to.

Cadmar looked in the pack. “Yeah, looks like everything is all there, thank Cthulhu for that. I’m really glad I got it drilled into me,” she said with a smile at Miah. “You’re a good teacher.”

Miah grinned happily as she programmed disguises and the portal. “Onto the badfic, then, shall we?”

“Sure, I guess. As soon as you are done grilling me, I can get back to... hmm, the date was over... sooo. Stuff, I’ll get back to stuff.” Cadmar loaded her Beretta. “I hope you are good at playing Good Cop AND Bad Cop,” she said as she stepped through the portal.

“I hope this turns out to be as good of an idea as Maria thought it would be.” Miah shook her head before stepping through. On the other side she listened to an Author’s Note Disclaimer that was remarkably pain free. It continued on into scene setting.

This story is set in season 4 since I have not seen season 5 (ya, I'm a little pissy about it!). Before "Missing" so Teyla is not yet pregnant and Col. Carter is still somewhat new. It is long before "Quarantine" but I have paired Ronon with Dr. Keller to fit the story.

“Hunh, that is actually rather nice of the author, giving us an exact time and place for this. I like it when they do that.” Cadmar frowned. “I wish more would and wait a minute... pairing Keller and Ronon together fits the story? Isn’t there an OC that romances him?”

Miah eyed Cadmar significantly as she said, “Looks like we’re going to have to keep an eye on the contradictions in this one. Who’s keeping the charge list?”

Cadmar sneakily looked away. “I’ll do it.” Anything to get on Miah’s good side, otherwise the entire... ‘thing’ with Cali was going to be VERY awkward.

“That’s good. Cali has been doing it for so long, I might have forgotten how,” Miah says with a wry smile. “Aw, Son of a Sue! I hate being in present tense!” Miah looks around the room as it coalesces into the control room, and suddenly becomes populated with characters. Miah pulls her RA out and finds the option that allows for conversion to past tense.

Switch to past tense? [Yes/No]

Miah quickly pressed the Yes button and sighed in relief at being back in past tense.

Dr. Keller walks into Col. Carter's office in full gear, ready to go off-world.
"OK, I'm ready. What's the medical emergency?" she asks col. Carter. The SGA1 team are already there and ready to go.

“I hope she packed for every possible medical emergency, because there is NO way she is ready. You’d think they would be a little more professional and tell her before hand,” Cadmar said . “I know I’d be pissed if I was told to be ready for something, but not told what.”

"I was just telling Col. Sheppard's team the Athosians contacted us. On of them was hurt during an altercation with a thief from another planet. I haven't got all the details as they said they needed medical attention stat. They said to bring arctic weather clothing and a doctor and they'll explain the rest when you get there. You have a go." said Sam..

“Sounds a little specialized to me, so I’m going to go with: no, she couldn’t possibly have been ready,” Miah said as the canons headed into the gateroom. “Think they’d notice us tagging along in the wormhole? I’ve never gotten a chance to do that yet.”

“Oh! I wonder if we’ll actually hear the squealy thing? I love that!” Cadmar paused. “Hmm, maybe we should get some of that arctic gear too, freezing sounds horrible.”

“We better use the DORKS if we want to catch this wormhole. They’re leaving us.” Miah started walking toward the gate, while fiddling with the DORKS.

“Yay!” Cadmar happily dashed into the gate. On the other side, both agents luckily emerged wearing full arctic gear. Unluckily, it was not the arctic planet, but New Athosia they emerged on. The temperate planet made it significantly more then hot for the agents.

“Gah! So hot!” Cadmar moves the balaclava off her face so she could breathe. “Miah! Miah! It made the squealy noise! It made the squealy noise!” Cadmar grabbed Miah in a crushing hug that would make an octopus proud.

Miah flailed at the hugging.

While Miah was being hugged by Cadmar, an Athosian approached the canons, taking them to the injured villager, and expositing the reasons for their deployment.

Miah gasped when she managed to break loose from Cadmar. “Let’s stay here. Most of them will be back by in a little while to go to that cold planet,” Miah said, pointing at the Words. Then she looked around a bit slyly. “So, Cadmar, you seem willing enough to date Cali now that you are a woman. Is that going to change when return to being a man?”

Cadmar tilted her head. “I’m... I’m Cadmar, I was Cadmar before, and I’ll be Cadmar later. That has no effect on me dating.” Cadmar nodded to herself.

“That--” Miah nodded. “That is a very good answer. You know Cali has liked you ever since that mission with the pillow fight, right? This isn’t about your gender for him.”

“... Really? The pillow fight? That was like... ages ago! Man, crushes are weird, I can’t imagine liking someone for months and never seeing them.” Cadmar shook her head. “So, before we continue the questioning, can we get out of these if we are staying here? I’m losing a few pounds to sweating alone,” Cadmar chuckled.

“Not sure what it was about that mission that started it. Maybe it was a little like his crush on Tesla--safely impossible--until we actually started working together and hanging out, that is. They’re coming back. We can hitch another ride for them, and then we’ll probably be happy for the clothes. If we don’t freeze to death from being sweaty that is,” Miah muttered. “You know, thinking about that mission, reminds me that you are kind of different here lately than when we first met you.”

Cadmar stiffened. “O-oh...?” She began wringing her hands in her hair.

“More playful, and, uh, flirty-like,” Miah said.

Cadmar nervously pressed her fingers together. “Well... You would agree that it is sorta a big change, right?” Cadmar asked, indicating herself.

“Nah nah nah. This started before you ended up with boobs. Something else is going on, I think,” Miah said suspiciously.

Cadmar coughed. “Fine... Well, I always sorta looked up to Maria, and she was really fun and all, so I just thought...”

“Oh.” Miah shrugged. “That’s cool.”

Cadmar sat down, wishing for snow. “Hmm, why would they send in their best team to find one small thief? They have the person getting medical attention. Just ask him what the thief looks like and gut them the next time they come by,” Cadmar said with a frown, “Easy to do, really.”

“Too practical for badfic,” Miah said, mentally thanking luck that she was glad someone had shown her the past tense option on the RA. “There they go!” Miah said excitedly before running for the gate.

“Hey, they have the OC girl with them!” Cadmar ran after Miah. Both agents nearly walked back through the gate when the sudden cold hit them. Almost, as their common sense (as well as the gate shutting down) stopped them from doing the fatal action.

“She’s not here yet, is she?” Miah asked, shivering from the freezing sweat.

“She... she un.” Cadmar put her balaclava back on and squinted at the words. “She just saved them from a frozen lake, they’re drying in her cave. I think she is taking them back to the gate.” Cadmar dove into a random snow bank. “Hiding now.”

Miah looked at Cadmar funny for a second and then opened a portal under her. She fell through with a startled yelp. Miah adjusted the portal to a normal vertical stance and stepped through--right into the middle of the slushy snow ball that was Cadmar.

“Fancy seeing you here,” Cadmar giggled, as she moved her arms outwards and back in. “I’m making snow angels!”

Miah chuckled and adjusted the DORKS to put them in regular generic scientist clothing. She paused for a moment in the decision over country patch, but settled on matching Cadmar’s Canada. Cadmar was still making snow angels when Miah pushed the button to change the costumes.

“Gah! We’re going to freez-we’re back in Atlantis?” Cadmar looked at Miah accusingly. “Um, a little warning before you portal or change our clothes would be nice.”

“What you didn’t notice the thump? I must have gotten the settings wrong... Where’d the fic go? I thought they were heading back to Atlantis,” Miah said, peeking into the corridor.

“They are... collecting samples of the planet because it has EMPness on it or something. That’s actually pretty in-character for Rodney to want to do that. Well, that and removeher wraith tracking chip. Oh, and Ronon is already falling for the OC, even with his girlfriend around.” Cadmar scowled. “Class act.”

Teagan sits up and touches the back of her neck gingerly. She's never been free before. Not even before the Wraith. "he hasn't told you much about Satedan history, has he?" No. Teagan explains that there are (were) two major continents on Sateda, north and south. The stargate is in the south where Ronon must be from. She is from the north.

“Now all I can imagine is the South being all red necks, on their porches with guns, while the North is a bunch of loggers in igloos.” Cadmar nodded.

“Interesting visuals.” Miah said, shaking her head.

Over 200 years ago her great great-grandfather was the first king of the northern continent. The first Monarchy. But he was a power hungry despot who used his ability to control the Wraith to scare his people into submission. He was a redhead who believed that the gene for this ability was linked to red hair so he married a redhead and killed any of his children who didn't have red hair.

“Not Red? It’s Dead!” Cadmar shouted.

“Red Dead Redemption?” Miah asked.

His children could only marry red heads. The south thought he was tyrannical and war ensued. But somehow he seemed to know what the south would do before they did it and so he rarely lost a battle. Southerners thought he could read minds, a rumor the king himself started to instill fear. North and South had not spoken in 150 years.

Cadmar tilted her head. “That’s... that’s an awfully long time to not travel to another continent. I don’t buy it.”

Southerners called most redheads 'Monarchs' as there were few in the south and it became almost a swear word. If you really wanted to insult someone in the south, you call them a 'Monarch'.

“Making up racial slurs? That’s actually kinda cool. Putting some thought into your idea, at least.” Cadmar said while nodding.

“Bare minimum I’d say.” Miah started gathering up the letters raining on them from the infodump.

Teagan's parents were not as tyrannical and had made many changes. They promised to protect their people without slavery, without drafting people into the military, without killing non red haired children. They had high hopes for change. Then the Wraith came. In the past Teagan's ancestors were able to keep the culling to a minimum by using their mind control to persuade the Wraith that there was nothing worth culling in the north.

“And letting them cull the South all they want. No wonder the South still hates them,” Cadmar scoffed.

“Selfish bastards.” Miah agreed.

There were enough Monarch's to control and, if necessary, kill any Wraith that came north. But this time there were few Monarch's with the gift and too many Wraith and they were vastly outnumbered. But that was, what, 9 or 10 years ago now and she had almost forgotten all the politics and policies of her previous life. Ronon had not. She was everything he had been taught to hate.

Cadmar flailed and dug herself out of the massive pile of letters and punctuation from the Info Dump. “What? No. No! That’s just silly!”

Miah said, “She fails at biology. Red hair is recessive, and if two red-heads marry, then all of their children will be red-heads.”

“But they aren’t human, they’re Satedan. So, that can be left up to ‘possible’.” Cadmar said. “Bwuh? Miah! Controlling Wraith! Dictatorships!” Cadmar pulled out a notebook. “Seriously now, that was a very silly back story... though, to be completely fair, it was imaginative and at least explains stuff, and hey, the show had some pretty goofy set ups.”

“Also just goes to show you that sometimes the evil dictator was doing What Had To Be Done, you know? The first guy killed the non-talents to thicken the gene pool, but her parents were so much more enlightened that they didn’t and it thinned things out so much that the planet was razed,” Miah said while building a pyramid with the info dump letters.

Cadmar blinked. “That’s... that would be surprisingly deep if the fic actually used that.”

“It won’t. You know it won’t. So, it looks like we have time while this fic gets boring.”

“Yep.” Cadmar suddenly found herself wanting the fic t have random things happen.

“So, I know you are always going to be you no matter your gender, but let’s find out a bit more about you. Straight, gay, bi, something else?” Miah inquired, still stacking letters.

Cadmar shuffled from foot to foot. “Well, I’d guess I’d have to say bi. I’ll go for either, if anyone actually shows interest, of course. No real difference to me, I like stuff other then gender, really.”

Miah nodded, “So your feelings for Maria are... ?”

Cadmar hung her head. “Crush-ish thing. I know it’s impossible, but it’s not like having a person
who likes hugs helps any... or that she’s pretty...” Cadmar used her hair to hide her blush. “... Oh, look! Fic!” she cried, hoping to avert attention from herself. Teagan was explaining her powers more in-depth to Teyla.

"I have never told anyone this before. My mother figured it out but I never told her. I have the ability to sense everyone's thoughts and, when I focus... I can control people, not just Wraith.

“... She can control people with her mind, Miah...” Cadmar looked horrified. “Isn’t universal manipulation enough?”

“You know, I am getting a little worried about her being able to detect us. And how the heck are we going to kill something that can control us with its mind?” Miah was actually looking a bit worried now.

“You’re right...” Cadmar pulled her Beretta out and aimed at Miah. “Of course, she is probably making you say that, right Miah? Or should I say... Sue Puppet Number One!?”

“Are you nuts?”

Cadmar looked evenly at Miah. “Like a fox, maybe. How do I know you aren’t actually possessed?”

“Yeah, because the Sue not only knows about us, but has decided to quietly spy on you by possessing me and asking you nosy personal questions about your relationship with my partner. Hmm. Yeah. Makes perfect sense to me.”

Cadmar blushed and put the gun away, looking ashamed. “Sorry... Well, she won’t if we act as unimposing as possible, or never be in the same room as her,” Cadmar said.

“Yeah, I guess that works. No more guns in my face, though, Cadmar,” Miah said.

Cadmar nodded and grinned sheepishly. “Plus, she is a ‘Good Guy’, so she wouldn’t dare use her powers for ill use, and we can use that to our advantage.”

“I’ll bet you a chocolate bar that she uses them on the good guys before the end of the fic,” Miah grinned, holding up a candy bar.

Cadmar grinned back. “Okay, you’re on. A drink says that she uses it ‘for the greater good and everyone accepts it.” Cadmar and Miah shook on it, while Teagan finished talking with Teyla and left to see Carter. Who informed her that she would be required to attend training if she wished to join.

“Well, that does seem like a smart thing to do, she IS a great asset, even if her powers are silly. And I can see why she would need some training,” Cadmar noticed, tapping a pen on the notepad.

The canons were in the cafeteria. Sheppard and Teyla were harassing Ronon about not liking the Sue. Ronon adamantly refused to accept her, citing what her people had done to his in the past, while the other Sheppard and Teyla were indifferent to his plight.

“He does raise a fair point, I’d hate someone who was from the family of leaders who were oppressing me,” Cadmar remarked.

“I’d like to think that they all respect Ronon enough to at least listen to his concerns. Also, she’s using an awful lot of saidisms,” Miah said pointing at the expressing Sheppard.

“Oh man, Sheppard is going to push the issue with a guy he calls Chewy. I wonder if he had Stupid Pills?” Cadmar shook her head. Sheppard joined up with Ronon, who was sparring in the gym.

"So explain to me again why you hate her so much." Sheppard asks, hoping for his friend to actually share his opinion. Ronon ignores him so Sheppard walks towards him, grabs a stick and pokes Ronon in the back. "Because her ancestors were jerks? So what. So were some of mine." He pokes harder. Ronon grabs the stick, pulls Sheppard toward him, off balance, and punches him in the face, as gentle as Ronon can be!

“Fallllllcccoooooonnnn PAAAAWWWWNNNCCCHHHH!” Cadmar punched ahead of her, accidentally hitting Miah in the shoulder.

“Ow!” Miah socked Cadmar on the shoulder. “Man, you get excited over this stuff.”

“Teehee!” Cadmar batted her eye lashes at Miah in an exaggerated way.

Ronon rebuked Sheppard’s claims of Teagan being harmless by telling him about the horrors the Monarchs had unleashed with their powers upon his people. Controlling them and turning them into soldiers, killing them with a thought, manipulating the entire populace.

“Yeah, I didn’t mean excited in quite that way. You see, Ronon is bringing up some very valid points on the potential misuse of these powers, and Sheppard is just shrugging it off. So come on, you really like the violence, don’t you?”

“Yeah, of course! Er... this looks bad, doesn’t it?” Cadmar grimaced.

Miah made a pinch motion with her hand. “Just a little, yeah. How old are you?”


“So you’re older than Cali. More violent, too. He’s only managed to kill twice on our missions.”

“Is... is that so?” Cadmar said nervously. “Well, the whole age thing is kinda silly, right? I mean, Maria is dating a guy over one hundred years older then her.”

Sheppard argued back with Ronon, using the logic that since he had never known Teagan, he has no concrete proof that she is evil, despite not even knowing her himself, and the mass of history against her.

“Yes, because Sheppard is just that trusting... okay, maybe he is,” Miah said. “And don’t think that fic is getting you out of answering me. I’ll give you the age difference with you and Cali not being too important. You’re both sort-of-adults, and neither of you have experience, so that’s even, too.”

“Phew.” Cadmar wiped some imaginary sweat off her brow.

A week long time shift passed the agents by smoothly for a change. In that time Teagan enjoyed her new life in Atlantis, until they got a call from the Athosians, saying someone got lost on the ice planet.

“She forgot to go back and teach them how to navigate the plaent? That’s nice. I’m sure some Athosian wife will be happy to see her.” Cadmar rolled her eyes. “Ooh! And she can control animals too! Amazing! Don’t you love it when new powers plop up because plot needs them?”

The agents read along with the words, as Teagan and the other canons found the missing Athosian, with Keller staying behind to make sure he was really okay.

“Maybe we should consider coming out of the closet at some point, Cadmar,” Miah said with a grin as they continued reading the words.

Cadmar gasped, “But Miah! Our love is forbidden!” Cadmar took Miah’s hands in her own, “No one must ever know...”

Miah laughed. “All right. Give me one more straight answer. What’s real with you? The unsure person talking to Cali in that little sidelining of the Truth and Dare? The one that is making jokes with me right now? Or the one that sliced up an OC because the fic annoyed you, and seems to be perfectly willing to go on a murderous rampage with no remorse? Because, against my better judgement in this situation, you are really growing on me.”

Cadmar flinched, “You heard about that huh? Well, I’d have to say all three. Cali... Cali just makes me all shy and stuff because he is literally the first person to show that kind of interest in me.” Cadmar grinned, “And I love joking around with people, it’s why Maria and Mark are so fun, goofing off is our thing. You’re really fun to hang with too.” Cadmar let go of Miah’s hands and stepped back a little bit, not able to go far because they were still in a closet. “I won’t lie Miah, I enjoy violence sprees. I’m one of those people who have their ‘inner demons’ on speed dial for certain situations.”

“As long as you can tell friend from foe, that’s not terrible. We’re assassins. You can make that distinction, right?” Miah said, peeking out to see if the fic had wandered by their location again.

“Of course.”

Teagan and Sheppard head back to Atlantis and get back to training again. Sheppard had started target practice about a week earlier. Thanks to her cross bow experience, Teagan was already quite a marksman. Or so she thought. Guns were different and she was having trouble mastering them.

Cadmar blinked. “Wow, that’s new, a character not getting guns right away.”

“I’m guessing that she’ll find some ‘speshul’ way to make up for this lack,”Miah said.

“So, she fails at guns, then he wants to learn to shoot a bow? How does that make-”

"I know you can do better than that, Col. Sheppard." Teagan laughs. "Perhaps telling you to aim like a gun was not the best thing. Although I don't see any bullet holes in the ceiling." He looks up at the arrow, firmly planted in the ceiling. Teagan is standing right next to him and he can feel her presence without needing to sense it. Teagan, on the other hand, could sense his feelings for her. He turns to face her, as if to ask a question but they are standing so close he brushes up against her and then takes the opportunity to lean in and kiss her. A tender, sweet first kiss.

“-sense... Ungh, how romantic comedy of you.” Cadmar shuddered. “Icky.”

“I have this feeling that Sheppard would even be good at bows. He’s been at least decent at about everything I can remember him trying. And you know, Sheppard isn’t exactly known for Public Displays of Affection.” Miah said.

“I can understand why.”

Teagan confronted Sheppard on his slight reluctance, and revealed that Ronon was the problem. Leaving Sheppard in a position between his friend with benefits, as Teagan explained she wasn’t looking for any commitment, and his best friend. Sheppard promised to work on the Ronon problem.

“I dunno Shep, murdering him will lose you a lot of muscle.” Cadmar said with a silly grin. Miah shook her head.

A transition of ‘a few months’ passed the agents peacefully. The words revealed that over the time, Teagan had grown closer to both Sheppard and Teyla, while Ronon became distant to the rest. No mention was given of Rodney. Teagan also began training Teyla to ‘expand her powers’.

“Well, well, another smooth transition, I’m getting worried for the big bad one that is coming up. We’ll need to make sure we get rid of those power upgrades Teyla gets.” Cadmar wrote in the notepad, before scowling fiercely, “Oh, and I saw how she ignored Rodney, bitch.”

"So how do you control a Wraith?" asked Teyla.

"My parents called it 'reaching out' and telling them what to do. I can control 100's of drones, maybe 5 or 10 like your friend Todd," Teyla raises her eyebrows somewhat angrily at the use of the word friend with Todd, "and I've never tried to control a queen."


“... Well there goes her being modest right out the damn window.” Cadmar said angrily. “Real modest, why the hell do you fear them if you can control an army of them?!”

“No kidding. How’d she even know about Todd, anyway?”

“I don’t think he would come up in conversation much, it was a very sore subject.” Cadmar doodled a bit on the page beside the charges, drawing Teagan being eaten by sharks, “And if she had a personal run in with him, then why is she still alive. She was all alone for nine years.”

"They are mostly mindless, waiting for commands anyway. You could easily do it. Try it next time. Just concentrate on telling one specifically what to do. Like 'die'. That's my favorite!"

“Wow, saying that to good people really makes you look sane. Oh god, she’s trying to make Teyla use evil powers! Like Heather!” Cadmar nervously backed against the wall. “We’re safe in the closet right?”

“Maybe? I’ve never dealt with one that had such powerful mental controls. It might be a good idea to start making contingency plans for putting some distance between us and her,” Miah said seriously, standing up.

Cadmar looked at the Words. “They’re leaving for another mission, they’re... trading animals for oil mining rights? Why the heck would Atlantis need oil? Naquadah is a lot better, efficiency and pollution wise.Yeah, we should definitely follow them.” Cadmar opened the closet door and peeked out. “Coast is clear.”

Miah whistled badly and then sang, also badly, “Hi-ho, hi-ho! It’s off to work we go!”

Cadmar rolled her eyes and smiled, as they headed off to the gate room. They stood non-chalantly next to SGA1, trying to look as bland as possible. Following the canons through the wormhole saved them from having to face an annoying scene shift.


“Okay, so, we can charge for them wanting oil for some reason,” Cadmar said as she and Miah settled into some unoccupied seats in the local tavern that also was the town hall and meeting place.

“You know, they never mentioned animal trading in the show and I’m thinking that they have folks with them that are smart enough to know how many bad things could happen when bringing alien animal species into an ecosystem. Also, could you imagine Commander Caldwell baby sitting a herd of cattle or a bunch of chickens, or any kind of barnyard animal for that matter for the three weeks it takes to get to Atlantis?”

Cadmar snickered, “Yeah, I’m sure he’d have a shit fit. Plus, the IOA guys would look down on a waste like that. Thanks for pointing that out, though,” she said as she wrote it down.

“Now I have this image of Caldwell as a Brown Coat,” Miah said grinning broadly.

As the agents snickered over the mental image of Caldwell tending to animals, and shoveling up copious amounts of animal manure, the bar keep delivered drinks to SGA1, courtesy of some of the townspeople. Ronon downed his with gusto, while Rodney and Sheppard cautiously sipped theirs. Rodney, proving how OOC Teagan was pushing the canons, used a device to scan the drink, and drank it anyway, even after stating he had no idea what it was.

“Yeah, I don’t think so, author. Rodney taking a drink of something like that, after saying he couldn’t really tell what it was is NOT typical Rodney.” Cadmar clutched the notepad tighter, “No one messes with Rodney.”

“Does this have citrus in it? Really. Guys? Citrus? Do you know how allergic I am?” Miah said mimicking Rodney’s normal reaction to new foods or drinks. Then she rolls her eyes at Ronon’s drunken rambling and confessions of relationship problems with Jennifer. “Something isn’t right here. Ronon shouldn’t be that drunk.”

Cadmar looked to the words. “Shit! It’s a trap by the Wraith! Standard one, threaten people to help them, then betray them. We gotta get out of here!” Cadmar stood up and forced herself to walk normally so as to not stick out. “C’mon!”

Miah followed Cadmar as quickly as possible toward the woods outside town. Both agents ducked into some bushes, listening as the Wraith began culling the world.

“The Words say that the team is captured, and brought aboard the cruiser.” Cadmar huddled closer to Miah as a dart screamed over them. “We should portal aboard it, and switch to Wraith disguises. Miss Teagan shows up for a rescue.”

“Oh, now Wraith disguises are interesting. I’ve never actually done that.” Miah adjusted the DORKS. Then she opened a portal to the hive and stepped through.

“I... I feel weird... “ Cadmar said as they emerged as Generic Wraith grunts.

Teagan, learning of the teams capture, immediately offered her assistance on a rescue mission, accompanying LT Lorne and another team in a Puddle Jumper, to board the Wraith cruiser.

“They’re parking inside a Wraith cruiser?” Cadmar exclaimed, shocked.

Teagan and the team of undefined characters eventually found Sheppard and Teyla in a cell, and used a bomb to open the cell, completely ignoring the door release button on the opposite wall.

“So they can’t push the button while they are on the button side of the door? If Ronon can open it by throwing knives, I’m pretty sure Lorne can handle it,” Miah said, noting how odd it felt to talk with Wraith teeth.

“Charge for forgetting Lorne is actually a skilled character, and I can only assume this is a set up for something. The mission was for them to be saved by her, I wonder what her angle is for this?” Cadmar stroked her chin, then stopped immediately, not liking the feel of Wraith skin.

Wraith come out of the woodwork and as Teagan culls THEM for a change, Teyla and Sheppard are taken back to the jumper as Lorne and Teagan become separated from the rest through the onslaught of Wraith. Teyla is happy to test her newfound ability to kill a Wraith with a thought but not happy to get separated and stuck returning to the jumper. Lorne and Teagan search for McKaLoy and Ronon, hoping they are close by. They find McKay unconscious in another cell.
"I can't carry him, Lieutenant. You take him back to the jumper and I'll keep looking for Ronon." she says quietly, just happy the Wraith aren't swarming them.

As the mini looked around confusedly, Cadmar got a strange look on her face. “Wait... McKaLoy? As in, a mini-Mckay?”

“Cadmar? Cadmar, are you okay?” Miah looked a bit nervous.

Cadmar giggled, and blushed a bit, “H-hi McKay!”

Miah noted that Cadmar’s eyes had begun to sparkle slightly. She turned to McKaLoy. “I think you might want to get in the bag and out of her sight.”

“Why would I go into there? I don’t even know you! And why is she looking at me like that?” The mini ranted, sounding a lot like the canon it was based on. “And, why would I tru-” McKaLoy was cut off when Cadmar let off a Fangirl Squeal, and attempted to glomp him. She missed him by inches, crashing into the floor.

Miah held the bag open. An air canister and a rope rolled out. “Tie this to your waist. I’ll tie the other end to the outside of the bag. If you get in trouble, you can use it to get out.” She handed the mini the canister. “Set this dial to one. There are a bunch more of these in there. Chocolate with no citrus, and probably a tablet computer somewhere. Have fun!” She shook her head with a slightly confused look on her face. “Man it’s weird to hear a mini-Wraith talk.”

Cadmar was looking around the room, “Where... where did McKay go?” she asked, almost pleadingly.

“Hey Cadmar, how do you talk with those sharp teeth all the time?” Miah asked, quickly changing the subject.

“Hmm?” Cadmar’s shook her head, and her eyes refocused, the sparkle disappearing. “ Oh, yeah. It was a pain in the ass at first, but you eventually get used to it.” Cadmar shifted a bit, “To be honest, I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have normal teeth. Being normal at all, really. If that makes sense,” she added as they hid from the sounds of gun fire and wraith stunners.

Teagan suggested that she go off by herself, Lorne of course, objected, it being against rules and regulations. Teagan used her powers to make him obey her. Cadmar cursed, “I’ll pay you back later on.” she muttered to Miah.

“You know, maybe we shouldn’t be Wraith anymore. I think she kills all the Wraith on the Hive here shortly.” Miah adjusted the DORKS to return them to generic SGA personnel. “And, yeah, I guess that makes sense. It works like that for people with braces.”

The agents sat idly around as Teagan proceeded to massacre more Wraith, break into the room Ronon was in, and save him with ease.

“Gee, I wonder how this will effect their relationship?” Cadmar said with a sarcastic drawl. “Actually, should we have charged for Sheppard actually agreeing to a Friends with Benefits relationship? I’m not sure if he’s the type to go for that.”

“He doesn’t strike me as the type. He seems rather repressed in the relationship department, actually,” Miah said. “So, which one of the guys do you think was gay? Word of god is that one of them was in the closet. So who do you think?”

“Hmm. Well, counting out the guys who were in relationships, I’d have to say... Carson.” Cadmar nodded to herself.

“Fanon tends toward Lorne, but I’d say there could be an argument made for Sheppard. No, no, hear me out. He does seem to like women, but he’s never in a relationship on the show. Maybe he likes both. What do you think?”

“I... I guess.” Cadmar said. “I mean, there isn’t anything to disprove it. And anyone can be bi. I mean, look at me.” she pointed to herself.

Ronon proceeded to be completely ungrateful to Teagan rescuing him, and they both ran off to escape after a short exchange. They both killed, almost literally, droves of drones, who seemed to be pouring in from everywhere on the ship. Teagan was eventually overwhelmed, and Ronon fell shortly after.

“And thus ends her valiant attempt.” Cadmar said in an announcer voice. “I like how no matter how powerful she is, they keep throwing droves and droves of troops at her. Talk about a waste of troops.”

“So much for her, ‘I can take out a whole ship’ bragging,” Miah said.

Cadmar shivered. “Well, they just got a visit from the queen. And Teagan isn’t totally knocked out, so they are escaping again. My god the Wraith are stupid, why don’t they just KILL them.” She huffed. “Is that charge worthy? I’m not even sure if the Wraith we’re completely like that... “

“Well, they never killed Sheppard and company on sight. I guess they always saw an advantage in keeping them alive, but she’s not as valuable and a lot more dangerous. I think charge worthy. Even the Wraith aren’t this stupid,” Miah said.

“Hmm, standard escape plan, use a dart to get away, hide by using the people holding teleporter.” Cadmar stretched. “Well, they get out without a hitch, I’ll bet the queen is going to throw a hissy fit, especially after she lost so many troops.”

“So, I guess we head back to Atlantis, and wait for the fic to get back to us,” Miah said, opening a portal. Once they were back in their safe closet, Miah turned to Cadmar and said, “Looks like we have time again. So, what horribly invasive private info do you want me prying into next?”

Cadmar looked at Miah with wide eyes. “U-umm... I dunno?” she sighed. “Look, you pretty much saved my life on the mission. Without you I would still have those scars, and I can’t imagine what life would be like. Ask anything you want,” Cadmar ended it with a sincere smile.

“You’ve been through a lot since you got to the PPC. It sounded like a lot before you got here, too. I saw how violent you can get when you snap, and I worry about Cali. I know he’s a big boy and can take care of himself, but I’m a worrier. Tell me something that will help me quit worrying,” Miah said with no hint of humor in her voice.

Cadmar was silent for a while. “I can promise you that me snapping like that again would take another torture session or a possession from hell. The people in Fic Psych helped a lot, you guys helped the most in my opinion. I’ll... I’ll never be the type of person who Cali should probably like, but I’d never try to hurt him.”

Miah was quiet for a few moments, “That works for me.” She held her hand out to Cadmar to shake. Cadmar looked confused, but shook her hand.

“So, out of curiosity, your reactions when I kissed and made out with Cali, were those the real thing?” Cadmar asked, keeping an eye on the Words.

“Some of the things I’ve been asking here might have crossed my mind, so maybe a bit of unease. I haven’t had anyone to feel like family in a long time, and way back when that was part of my original pattern to look after strays, so to speak. It leaves me a bit protective,” Miah answered.

“It’s good you look out for Cali so much, everyone needs someone to be protective of them.” Cadmar suddenly scowled. “Look at what’s happening in the infirmary.” she said. “Teagan and Ronon are back, and guess what?”

"I had no idea your powers were that strong. Do you realize you must have killed close to a thousand Wraith?" asks Teyla.

“Seriously? Are there even that many on a Hive ship?” Miah asked.

“No idea, but it sounds like a stretch to have on a cruiser. A big one. Charging for it. It is nothing but showing off. Plus, if she killed that many, they should have backed the fuck off.” Cadmar shook her head, “Was their plan to keep throwing Wraith at her until they blocked the passage way with bodies?”

Teagan began explaining more of her past to Teyla.

"Not exactly. Some are stronger, some weaker. It was said that my great-grandfather could take on a queen and her army." she smiles at the memory of her father telling her this story when she was 10 and enraptured with his stories of their history. "But my great-grandfather was the one who spread that rumor." Teyla smiles. "He also spread the rumor that he could control all Satedan's." She looks at Ronon. "The purpose was to instill fear in our enemies. It seems to have worked."

“Un huh. So, now her back story is reaching critical stupidity. I doubt they could be that powerful naturally. Not even the Ancients were that powerful, not for a long time. Millions of years it took them to evolve.” Cadmar wrote more charges.

“I’m really starting to get a bad feeling about killing her. Do you have any ideas yet for the contingency plan?” Miah asked.

“I do have one idea,” Cadmar pointedly looked away. “But you might not like it, and I’d rather not mess up with you, after actually making myself look like a decent person.”

“Well, it’s one more idea than I have. Let’s hear it, anyway.’

“Well, if may require the use of the Daedelus, or at the least a Puddle Jumper. But, if we can knock out her, zat would be preferable, we could dump her in a pod thing, leave a data pad with a recording of us naming off the charges, and then we blow it up.” Cadmar made a ‘What-do-you-think?’ gesture.

“We-ell. Normal situation, I’d say that’s a little extreme, but for this chick, it sounds pretty good. The only real problem I see is how do we get within zat range of her? Didn’t she say that she could kill from planetside?”

“Yeah, but she won’t be expecting an ambush from two scientists or something. We’ll just blend in, and then grab her.” Cadmar nodded to herself.

Miah smiled. “So what are we going to blow her up with?” She looked thrilled with the idea of creating explosions.

Cadmar grinned, “We’ll blow a small hole in the ship, and let her get sucked out, like inAlien: Resurrection. It’ll be awesome.”

Miah looked disappointed. “But I like making things go BOOM!”

Cadmar chuckled. “True, but having yourself slowly sucked through a small hole, bit by bit, and feeling the entire thing slowly happening, not being able to save yourself? Priceless.”

“Uh, yeah, when you put it like that, we’d better not go that route. Anti-torture statutes and all. I’m not ready to get into any more trouble right now. I’m like a turtle.” She put her arms up and mimicked keeping her head down.

“Oh! Look! Remember how she totally abused her powers on Lorne? She’s getting caught by Sam!” Cadmar pointed into a corner. “Er, the Words say so.”

Carter confronted Teagan about the oddness of what happened on the Wraith cruiser, and about Lorne doing something out of character. Teagan fessed up to being able to control people, and admitted to using it on Lorne. Carter was, of course, wary of such a power, and became nervous. Teagan offered to leave, acting like it was completely unexpected that people would react like this.

“Yes! Leave!” Miah said, mocking Carter. “You’re a freak of nature, and we hate you! Off with you now. Shoo!” Miah made shooing motions with her hands.

The agents decided to chance coming out of the closet and getting closer to where the action was. “Not that I mind cramped spaces with girls,“ Cadmar said with a sultry grin. “but it was getting hot and sweaty.”

After a smooth ‘few days’ transition, the agents were in the gym, squatting in a corner and looking busy over a stolen tablet, attempting to look like two uninteresting techs fixing something.

“I vote that we brazenly march into the mess hall soon for some food. I’m starved.” Miah said quietly to Cadmar, while still keeping an eye on Ronon and the Sue.

“I guess I could use some food.” Cadmar giggled as Ronon began viciously sparring with Teagan, easily fending her off, and then goading her on. “That seems pretty in-character to me.” suddenly, Ronon pushed her against a wall and forcefully kissed her, causing Cadmar to growl, “THAT however, isn’t.”

“He even looks pissed about it. Like at some levels he realizes how OOC it is,” Miah noted.

Cadmar rolled her eyes when Teagan became upset that Atlantis would test her willingness to use her powers. “Yes, of course. They’re just going to let a person who can manipulate anyone walk around freely. Sorry, sweetie, but this is a military base, there are rules.”

“Ooh look! Ronon is speshul! I am totally getting While You Were Sleeping vibes now.” Miah said, watching the Sue break out into emotion driven tears.

“Well, she’s leaving for four days, let’s let her go off-world to mess around. I want to laze around anyway.” Cadmar said, before brightening suddenly, “Ooh! Rodney isn’t with anyone right now!” she said happily before dashing off.

Miah chased after Cadmar. “Wait! What are you planning to do with Rodney!?”

Next appearance: Mission 13: Sateda, part II

maria, mark sienna, ppc, miah, ronan, mission, cadmar, mckaloy, cali, magee, stargate atlantis

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