Hello to the Old

Mar 14, 2015 13:45

Well, this is odd, landing here after such a long time. Sadly livejournal (is it still cool to call it eljay?), has been replaced for me by a little tribe of social media - Facebook/Twitter/Wordpress.

I still get emails, though, that remind me of lj birthdays. I always click on them, reminisce, am glad to see old blogger buddies doing well/or reasonably so.

Except when they


Took me a moment to recall who he was precisely and, of course, I feel guilty admitting that. Worse still, clicking on his username to learn he died of cancer.
We didn't interact a lot. But I was hit with this double whammy...he had passed. And he had passed in 2009. I'm sorry, Kevin.

I stumble over that. 2009, what?! That's when Michael Jackson died. And Farrah Fawcett.

Loved her. So shiny and blond and groovy. Down the rabbit hole I go. Now I'm in 2009. Working at a news station, dating online (ever! hopeful!), dealing with personal demons, owned by a shy cat named "Kitty". (Original, no?)

Taking to livejournal to vent as a form of therapy.

I'm so glad it's still here. It keeps me connected to people who, at one time, entertained, motivated, kept me sane/or reasonably so.

As I'm writing this, it's a ridiculously beautiful sunny day in Arizona. I have a new cat that is batting around a disgusting toy mouse I just bought her. Birds are singing just outside the window.

Last night I went out with a girlfriend who was on her way from Saudi Arabia to Switzerland. She is very fancy like that. I'm not. But I am enjoy some seriously delicious dates from Saudi Arabia. Good god, these are lovely (even if they look like dead cockroaches. Image be gone!)

Bunch of ramblings, all random. All this to say goodbye to an old friend, no matter how belated.
And hello to any new ones, likely Russian ones.

pree-VEHYT! <---Did I do that right?

Ah, life. Always so inexplicable.
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