(no subject)

May 10, 2010 10:07

At work, back in the swing of things.

I've been feeling hyper motivated to clean up my life, get things moving.
And I had (yet another) a-ha moment.....

While I don't regret anything I've done in my life, thus far, I've missed all the milestones. All of 'em. Everything that makes you feel like a grown up.

Grown Up Milestones
Graduating from college (so so close)
Buying a house (actually I'm fine if I never own a house but that is a milestone, yes)
Getting married, having a baby (not even close)
What else....
Fulfilling Career (though I'm a peon, I'm relatively content. Just want more challenge, gimme challenge.)

I need to just begin again.
It's kinda fun to think about.

I've been fighting this nagging feeling like I am coasting.
That I could be doing more and that means I probably and should can be.

I keep making posts like this, don't i.

This time I'm serious, man. Super! serious!

I'm making weekly goals, daily goals, it's just really quite fun.

If all else fails, I'm going to put on a loin cloth and hunt down a wild boar as my major milestone. Well, not hunt like poke anything with something sharp. That's not civil. I'll just follow the wild boar around all day and not get killed by it. That's milestone-ish, yes.

Sorta like this

2nd adulthood

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