(no subject)

May 07, 2008 21:33

The Not Crappy Random Survey

Who is your loudest friend? sometimes shippo, sometimes katie, sometimes... who else...?

If you were gay who would you hit up first? Alex Booth most deffinatly. Then probably marisa, cause she would be interested

What kind of music do you dance/headbang/jazzhands to? um what? I'll dance to whatever's playing at the party... only dance at parties when everyone else is cause then no one cares...

If you owned your own business what kind of business would it be? Oh you got me started. I'd start an online shop like www.cute-plush.com and sell cute stuff. Lots of cute stuff. In fact, it would probably be a blatent rip-off of that site, only it would have more variety, always be in stock, and be awesomer. I would run that with one other person (perferably shippo)and we'd split profits. I even have written a business plan for this. I could apply for a loan if I wanted to :D

Then when I'm older I wanna open up a costume cafe with krystal. Mostly a maid cafe, but we could have days where the cute girls dress in chinese dresses and other outfits once in a while. It would also be really cute. Not skimpy or slutty. Shippo's the bouncer. He makes sketchy people go away. Lots of pastries and deserts!

Then when I'm even older I wanna open up an art gallery/studio thing. Wouldn't that be sweet?!

If you could 'invent' an animal, what would it look like? kitty and bunny

What do you think about purely cosmetic plastic surgery? fucking retarded.

Rockband/Guitar Hero or DDR? DDR

What's your reaction if you hear a loud fart come from the stall next to you in a public restroom? ........

Burn to death, or drown to death? burn

Would you rather be a nun/father or a prostitute? ...A FATHER LOL. Actually no, I don't have an answer for that.

If you were given 10 million dollars, how much would you give to charity? tons. at least half

If you could be president, would you? resign

What animal do you think has no business living? zombies

Loving someone you can't have, or having someone you can't love? Loving someone you can't have

Have you ever tried to find the end of a rainbow? no

What exciting event is coming up? Mitsuwaaaaaa

Who do you think is the cutest couple? Kyo and Tohru, Sakura and Fai :D

Are you suppose to be working right now? just review stuff

Do you like jelly beans? oh yes

Do you think we will ever have a woman president? eventually, if she's not a bitch

What is your favorite flower? pretty ones

Are you saving up money for anything in particluar? yeah. collage. Mitsuwa. Mother's day

What was the last thing you put in your mouth? more stomach meds. X.x I'm tweaking out way too much

What are your favorite kind of potato chips? lots :D

What is the grossest thing you would eat for 10 thousand dollars? no

What is usually better, the book or the movie? whichever came first

What song is over-played on the radio? Don't listen often enough to get sick of something

What is your ideal indoor temperature? WARM

What is your favorite T.V. channel? adult swim? I dunno

If you could take a vacation right now, where would you go? Dan's dorm room :D

Have you ever walked out of a movie before it was finished? If so, what one? nope.

Have you ever been apart of a protest? Never. Those are obnoxious. I don't care what you're protesting or believe in, just shut the fuck up and stop making a scene.

How is your new years resolution going? not bad

What is your pet peeve? condescending aditudes and disrespectful people

What is your favorite LOCAL place to grab a bite to eat? Right now brugers, cause I'm sick of everything else!

Would you rather go on a hiking trip or just stay home and see whats on T.V.? Hiking Trip!~

When was the last time you:

Picked your nose? what, kindergarden?

Winked at someone? sometime within the last few months?

Got a compliment? today

Ate Chinese food? too long ago D= but probably this saturday!

Gave a compliment? today

Got a present? a while ago

Got a high five? yesterday?

Stayed in a hotel? sophomore summer

Were on an air plane? never

Were in a pawn shop? a what? like the chess pieces?
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