Give a ho a piece of candi, and she gonna wunt a swig of crista

Mar 20, 2006 20:24

I don't know if you have heard it yet, but D4L made a rap song in the beginning of this year called "Laffy Taffy."  Let me post a segment of the song's lyrics:

"Gurl shake dat laffy taffy
Dat laffy taffy
Shake dat laffy taffy..."


That song.

I do like rap--I really do.  I mean a lot of rap songs are great to dance to and to "let loose".... but did they really have to write a rap song about laffy taffy?  Couldn't they have thought of a better candy innuendo?  50 Cent's "Candy Shop" wasn't much better.

I'm not very "black," but I can mos' def' think of some better songs than that.

In fact, I'm going to make a list of some of T-Dawg's future songs:

1.  Bounce Dem Milkduds, Bitch
2.  Let Me Stick My Wand Into Your Fundip
3.  Pssh, You Ain't Baby Ruth's Father
4.  You Gave Me The Skittles
5.  That Better Be A Candy Cane, Santa
6.  Ooo, My Man Just Hit My Almond Joy
7.  Check Out My Juicy Fruit

Sure there are more, but I wouldn't want to give away all of my great ideas.  I don't want people writing these songs as their own.
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