What can we do?

May 06, 2012 12:54

Our family was on the leading edge of the autism epidemic.  The mild case was born in '87; the severe one in '89.  Now so many more come behind us.

This article is about our life, and even more about what our life would be if we had not moved to Minnesota, home of pinko bleeding heart socialist government that actually took the burden off of us.

I don't know that pinko bleeding heart socialist government is the ultimate answer.  The cost of care for Tom, who lives in a group home and has to be supervised basically every minute of his life and who will probably never contribute a damned thing to society, is phenomenal.  When you complain about the bloated budget of Minnesota, I have to acknowledge that over $100,000 goes to keep Tom alive and safe and as sane as he can be.

I also don't know what any other *possible* answer is, short of killing him mercifully in his sleep.  He is too strong, and too big, and too unpredictably violent to be at home; if I had to take care of him someone would surely get hurt.

A pragmatic political problem in a world of shouting and ideology.

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