Most excellent day!

Oct 15, 2011 22:26

A couple of days agocarpe_noctum_93 (otherwise known as The Girl) and I made our first-ever batch of puff pastry dough.  This had been on my List forever; it finally Came to Pass because we wanted to put together a celebration dinner and I thought of Beef (well, Venison) Wellington.

We used some of the pastry in palmiers and cheese straws, and then today it met its ultimate fate:  We wrapped our tenderloin of venison in duxelles (cooked-down mushrooms and shallots), proscuitto, and puff pastry, roasted it, and served it with wilted winter greens and a variety of tiny potatoes cooked with butter, shallots, garlic, pepper and lemon.  Dessert was cherry/chocolate bread pudding.

We cooked all day and we had so much fun doing it!  We were celebrating that The Girl has been maintaining a stable weight for the past three months, is taking her GED on Tuesday, and is generally ready to tackle the Rest of Her Life by the horns!  She worked long and hard to get her and totally deserved her celebration day.

We all had the best time....


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