Dec 17, 2009 12:26
"Of the Year"
Age 19
Best movie (500) Days of Summer, The Boat that Rocked and He's Just Not That into You.
Best T.V show The Big Bang Theory, Hannah Montana/Jonas (I was pretty Disney this year), How I Met Your Mother and GLEE!!.
Best concert Death Cab for Cutie, it had a completely different vibe than Last time.
Style icon Emma Watson and Rachel Bilson.
Best moment Getting into a uni, that I actually wanted to go to.
Worst moment My first week at uni with those horrible house mate, eww! (I moved out a week later)... oh and maybe sitting through twilight.... no that was hilarious!
Best class at Uni Hands down Collage with Jonathan James! (having classes with Marley Dawson didn't suck either).
Best purchase All the clothes I got from which is now boarder linning oh being a problem/obsession
Favorite Place to be Estabar, Newcastle Beach.
Best website Facebook and Twitter has been stealing a lot of my time... but I feel should have a mention.
Best Music Lily Allen, Death Cab, Miley Cyrus and the Glee Ost.
Best magazine Frankie, Teen Vogue and Nylon.
Favorite Random Object My polaroid camera!
Achivements Eh! been pretty lazy this year, does getting into uni count
Memorials New Year Resolutions Get fit, just like last year although I'm pretty motivated at the moment.
best of lists,
new years resolution