I Should Be Sleeping~

Sep 02, 2010 06:56

I was trying to write. Some novel stuff. Unfortunately, the internet proved too big a temptation to ignore. I'll have to turn it off next time. Maybe unplug the box completely. No one else is up at the time fo the day/night anyway. No one will miss it. It'll just remove the temptation entirely!

I wrote a poem yesterday. I was telling Ryan how terrible the last one was. He always knows how to get me motivated to do something. Make it a challenge. I can't resist them, apparently. The challenge was to write a poem and then send it to him before the day was over. It had to be the poem written for the assignment due Tuesday. Maybe I imagined that last part. But I did it anyway. Writing, thinking of him reading it, was much more relaxing than writing and thinking of my class hearing it. Ryan's so smart. He's too good for me.

It's only the beginning of September, but I'm already excited for NaNoWriMo. I just want the thrill. The exhilaration. The... second week where you feel like regurgitated crap and wonder why you're even alive. "Hope isn't vibrant unless it has to be chosen over despair. Redemption is cheap unless there's a suffocating darkness in which even a hero is tempted to hide." - Brent Weeks. The feeling of the second week makes the third week feel all the better. Makes hitting the midway point that much more satisfying. I'm going to finish this year. I'm going to trust myself and not fall out in that second week. No running of with Sexy New Book. I'll stick to the one that hurts to write. Because eventually (hopefully) it won't hurt. It'll be finished. I'm going to try something new this year for NaNo. I'm going to have a theme, a goal for myself. This year's goal is to remember that "First drafts exist to suck." and that I shouldn't get worried or upset about the craptacular state my book is in. That's what revision is for. "Writing is rewriting." I'm going to do it this year. I have to. Technically I failed twice last year. I've only won once. I'm in the hole! Bad.

I need to romance my current novel back to me. It's been so long since I've worked on it, I've lost touch with it. I bought it pens and a new book, but didn't keep up with it. I have no follow-through. I need to stay on top of our relationship. Not my strength, but I'm gonna try. I want to finish that book. I will.

And I should try to get some sleep. I can tell I'm rambling a little bit here. Time to put the Minifee up and tuck the novel in for the night. And the LJ too. Good night, dear invisible readers. I'll try to post more.

sleep, relationships, nanowrimo, old dominion, writing

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