I should be doing homework. I should have done my homework. Instead I played about with web hosts all evening after class was done. x.x Bad Sarah. But I got one! I won't tell you what it is until I ge something up there though XD ...and learn how to use the darn thing.... Sometimes, I think jump into things without really thinking them through.
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Dude my mom did the same fucking thing. She refinanced when she shouldn't have and ended up with a mortgage payment that was double what she was paying already and then couldn't afford it. Then she just stopped paying it without telling anyone. Then we had to do a short sale on the house so it wouldn't foreclose. It was all super hectic and complicated. That sucks that it's happening to you guys now. Maybe you all should concider an apartment. You could probably find a 3 bedroom in your area for about $1300-$1500. My sister almost moved into a three bedroom but it was out of her price range it was about $1300. Out here $1300 will get you a okay sized two bedroom.
I'm glad your still keeping up your grades despite all of the house stuff.
Poor Mika-chou! My dog had sergery once and she had a cone on too it was really sad. She had trouble eating and we live on the 2nd floor so she could hit it on the stairs a lot. It was sad :( You should take more pictures of her I haven't seen her in so long. Poor little chou :D
That's good that you have Ryan, he's nice. You should be excited and not feel bad for not working. Enjoy your valentines day. :D
I'll try and get a picture of her up for you~
I'm looking forward to it! Hannah is making the family breakfast, then Ryan and I are gonna head out. It'll be fun^^
Haha, all mine says now is 'Coming soon~' XD I'll start coding something tonight and try to get something interesting up there... Who did you host with? Did you get a domain name?
How are you feeling now anyway? I read that you were up and moving. Go you! ^_^
I have no plans on Valentines Day, although I never have even when me and Alex were together we never really did much on that day. But then again we were like that about most holidays Hmm...
I my domain is though GoDaddy and I host though essentails. It's WolfChildDesigns.com there's nothing there yet. I was useing frontpage on my other computer but I couldn't put it on this computer for some reason, maybe because of vista. I should really work on it, I've been paying for it for a years almost, it'll be renewing soon. Yet it remains blank as ever. So it's really anoying. Maybe I'll break out my old computer and at least work on it even if I can't publish it yet.
I'm feeling a little better today than yesterday. I went and got my staples out today. It hurt more than I though it would but I was being a big baby about it. Tomorrow I have another apt with a different doctor for follow up as well. Currently without tv or steady internet I've been subjected, despite my strongest efforts, to reading Twilight. I ran out of dvd's and my internet had dropped off for a few hours yesterday and the next thing I knew I have been reading it for two days. You must understand how troubling that book is to me and my kind. I've always been the wierd (often mistaken for Gothic) kid, it was never "cool" to be into things like witchcraft and vampires. Now suddenly some bitch writes a duchey vampire love story that all the tweens are swooning over and it's "cool" to be into gothic shit and vampires all of a sudden!
Colette, she closer to Gothic than I am, had twilight forced upon her by her Aunt. Unfortunely she had nothing else to read at the moment she was presented with the book and ended up being sucked into the darkness. Then in an effort to "share her misery" she ran into my house and thrust the book into my living room and ran away. After she was done reading it of course. She's now since finished the whole series and now in my boredom and disconnection I have also fallen victum to it's evil!
But seriously you can't tell anyone I'm reading it, if word got out that "real" gothic people like it, it would pandamonium! I like it though, it's a lot better then I thought. I'm going back to it now, like a horny degenerate to a fine hooker.
You sound like you're feeling better^^ While I've never had staples taken out, they've sawn my casts off a couple of times. Once they cut into my skin with their evil little saw... It burned.
Holidays have alwaysa been real big with my family, I think because of my nana. She LOVES holidays.
I got godaddy too. A firend of mine recommended them. It's not so bad XD I like it. My FTP program ran out of subscription a year or three ago, so I'm using a free one that works just as good as it ever did... -.-' I love it when that happens.
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