My last LJ post was summer of 2010. Didn't exactly expect to be posting on here again, mostly because my reason for keeping an updated LJ had been to keep in contact with friends who lived 10 hours away. Now that's no longer the case, I'm living in Erie, not too far from my lovely friends, so I don't bother to post LJ updates anymore.
However, this morning I was awakened by my cell phone going off, alerting me that I had an e-mail in my inbox. Right about now, I'm wishing that when my dad kindly bought me this android, smart phone, whatever the hell it is, I didn't feel so inclined to test ALL of its capabilities, namely, e-mail. So now my phone alerts me every time I get an e-mail sent to me, much the same way it does when I recieve a text message.
This morning, I was curious, so I opened the e-mail to discover that someone I didn't know left a comment on my LJ. They left the comment on a journal entry I had made back in September 2008. Though, I suppose I should mention that it wasn't so much a comment ON the journal entry itself as just a comment. was spam. At least, I'm pretty certain it was spam. Here, have a looksee at what the "comment" was:
Hey This is hard for me because I have never done anything like this.. but I have a huge crush on you. I have never been able to tell you for reasons which you would quickly identify as obvious if you knew who this was. I'm really attracted to you and I think you would be wanting to get with *Read FULL Card Here* Yeah. Pretty certain that's spam. I did reply to it, however. (In the comments section of LJ. I didn't go to that site.) In part, just in case there really was someone I know on the other end of it, and in part, because even if it is spam and the droid who posted it doesn't read my reply, it's still kinda funny. Okay...maybe I'm just weird. Anyway, my reply was this:
I'm assuming this is some random ass advertisement that's just attempting to get me to try an online dating site. (I know I've been getting a lot of those in my e-mail as of late.) I have a hard time believing its an actual person I know or a friend because this isn't my most recent journal entry AND I haven't made an LJ post since summer of 2010. So obviously, I'm not going to visit this site.
If, on the off chance that this actually IS somebody I know, then all I have to say is: I am engaged to the greatest person on Earth, so I must decline whatever it is you're offering.
You know what especially sucks though? This sort of thing could really make someone feel good about themselves, "Oooh! I have a secret admirer! That's pretty cool. Maybe I should check this out and find out who this is," only to discover that it's just some automated advertising message trying to get you to visit their online dating site with no actual person who truly likes you attached to it. That's just mean.
If, once again, this truly is someone I know. Uh...sorry. As I said, I'm engaged.
Also, if your icon of...whatever the hell kind of obnoxiously yellow sports car that is, is any indication of your interests, then I assure you that you don't know enough about me to know if you truly have a crush on me, because I garuntee we don't share the same interests.
My suggestion is to go find a girl who likes sports cars, jewelry, and lots of expensive and/or girly stuff and not a dorky chick who knows nothing about cars, isn't particularly girly, and whose interests lie in videogames and comic books.
Have a nice day.
See? Funny right? At least I was nice about it. I think...
Anyway, that was enough to bring me back to LJ, at least for the moment. I replied to it out of a combination of amusement and boredom. Then, while on LJ, I figured, what the heck. I'll glance over all my old LJ entries, just to see how I've changed over the years.
Mother of God. I was the most miserable sack of shit. Many, many entries are so angst filled. I was depressed all the time and ALWAYS had something to whine about. Looking back on all these, I can see just how much I've grown and matured and how far I've come. It's pretty cool in a way, to actually see that sort of growth, but at the same embarrassing! How did my friends even STAND me? Wow. God bless all of you. lol.
Part of me wants to start making LJ entires again - really pleasant upbeat ones - just to make up for all the previous bullshit. But that might be a waste of my time. For one thing, other than Liza, I don't think any of my other LJ friends even use LJ anymore. (By the way, it's cool that you still use it, Liza. Though I imagine you have more/other friends than I do who still use theirs. I'm not really in the same boat.) And even if I did start up again, I'd likely forget all about it and let it fall by the wayside again.
Ah well. We'll see what happens, I suppose. Perhaps if I have a lot of free time and nothing better to do.