Me: I'm gonna see this almost every fuckin' day during the winter season when I move to Erie...shutup.
Though I must admit, it'll be nice to have a white Christmas this year. We rarely get that down here in Virginia. And I enjoy making snowmen and sledding down the kick-ass hill in my backyard (provided I don't land
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Anyway, your advice on the whole moving thing is very good. Since I'll be graduating this May instead of the three to four years it might have taken me to finish school had I continued to go to Edinboro for the English major, I'll have some money left over in my college fund to use on apartment expenses (something to at least get me started until I get a decent-paying job) my parents have agreed to help me search for an apartment in Erie.
The plan thus far has been to do some research on the Internet for decent apartments in Erie and then over Spring break, we hope to come up and actually physically check out the aparments for ourselves... but if you and the rest of the gang could check out some places around there for me and send me any information, that'd be GREATLY, appreciated. Like you said, online listings aren't nearly as reliable as going out and physically checking out apartments in town yourself.
If it's not too much trouble, see what you can find out for me. Either way, I plan on coming up during Spring break to check out potential places to live...if I have some places listed ahead of time, I won't have to waste time and can check out the respective apartments as soon as I arrive. I definitely want something affordable but like you said, I also don't want a shitty place. My parents would also feel a lot better knowing that I was living in a safe, clean, environment.
Thanks for your offer of assistance with this whole thing! It will make everything sooo much easier. <3
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