What I'm Thankful For

Nov 27, 2009 23:58

Well, it's the day after Thanksgiving and though it may be cliche, I feel I should post some things - or, people, really - who I'm thankful for.

Vicky: Though she's been my only roomate ever, I can't help feeling like she's also the best roomie anyone could ever ask for. When I recieved the "roomate application" from Edinboro a month or so before classes started, I filled it out, being very specific about what I wanted in a roomate. I insisted that my roomate had to honest, trustworthy, kind, moral, friendly, and fun. (There were other specifics but I can't quite recall all of them now) I didn't expect to get even half of that in a roomate. I was surprised when I got all of that and more...much, much more. Vicky was not only a roomate but a friend, confidant, and sister. I only wish we could've been roomies for more than just a year. I really do hope we can be roomates again sometime in the near future. I feel so honored to have such a talented friend. When I look at her awesome artwork, it makes me want to do my best to find my talent, hone it, and work hard to get to where I want to be in life. When she becomes famous I can't wait to tell everyone that she's my friend. She's an amazing person and a wonderful friend. I'm so glad I had the chance to meet her. If not for her I wouldn't have met all the wonderful friends I now have. And though it may sound melodramatic and I'm sure it's something she's probably unaware of, she's one of the reasons I'm still alive today. I thank God that she's one of my best friends.

Chris: I think this is the first time that I can actually say that I have a best friend of the male gender. I don't think I've ever had so much in common with someone of the opposite sex until I met him. I must say, sometimes it feels a little strange to say that my best bud is a guy (not because anything is wrong with that but because I've never had that before and I've always had a slight aversion to the male gender). Talking to him online, through e-mails, texts, and over the phone several times a week is one of the few things that is keeping me sane while I'm stuck here in Lynchburg, working my ass off studying all this medical junk. I honestly don't think I'd have any outlet for my stress or any means of fun or much of a social life without our constant interaction. I enjoy every minute or our time together, whether it's watching Titus and Monty Python or just talking about Sonic or RPing. There's never a dull moment. I know he'll always be there when I need someone to laugh with, a shoulder to cry on, or a great, big, bear hug. He makes a great pillow, playmate, and teddy bear. Everyone should have a Chris.

Dan: I feel Dan is definitely an important person in my life. There's been more than one occasion in which Dan has given me some good advice and moral support. I feel as though if I were ever to have any kind of problem that needed solved or issue that I needed advice on, Dan would definitely be the first person I would turn to. It's very obvious to me that Dan has a good head on his shoulders, excellent morals and ethics. I'd go as far as to say that I'd seek his advice even before seeking that of my parents. (Not to slight my parents or anything, but that's just goes to show that I hold Dan in very high esteem.) Dan is definitely one of my most intelligent friends and if I ever need stimulating or thought-provoking conversation, I know he's the guy to turn to. Sometimes I wonder exactly why he's friends with me. It baffles me to think that someone I consider to be quite the intellectual would be friends with someone like me. I don't exactly know what I contibute to our relationship, he seems to do a lot for me. But it's that kind of selfless giving that really makes Dan shine. He certainly has no reason to be self-deprecating.

Tim: I think if I were to have a younger brother, I'd want him to be exactly like Tim. Tim is goofy, spontaneous, and all around fun to hang out with. He never fails to make me laugh, whether it be his peculiar aversion to escalators, falling down manholes, or his random songs about poop. And his "tingly" feelings when witnessing a particularly touching moment in a movie is absolutely endearing. He is definitely a breath of fresh air. Tim is kind and gentlemanly. When I first met him, I had a hard time believing he was four or five years younger than me and in high school. The guys in my high school were jerks and I never met any decent guys until I went to college. I only wish I had known a guy like Tim when I was in high school. He (as well as Dan and Chris) have proven to me that not all guys are jerks and are not out to hurt or take advantage of me. Tim is a great guy and very talented with a video camera. I know he'll flourish at Edinboro.

Jason Boggs: My long lost brother. We must've been separated a birth...had to be. I love him as though he were my biological brother. I've had quite a few people say to me, "He's really protective of you, huh?" and I suppose that's true. When I was up in Edinboro, homesick, and well....really ill and depressed and on the verge of mental and emotional breakdown, he took care of me. He, like Vicky, is definitely responsible for my being alive today.

Jay (as in Chris' brother): Originally, the idea of staying the night at Chris' whenever I would come up to visit everyone in Erie was a bit scary for me. Not because I had a problem with Chris (I think Chris and I became fast friends the first day we met if simply due to our shared obsession with a certain anthropomorphic hedgehog or some other magnetism) but because there was what I considered to be an "older man" (not old as in the AARP card sort of way, mind you. lol) living there as well, regardless of the fact that he was Chris' brother. But after getting to know the guy, I don't think I can even consider him to be an "older man". Not because he's immature or anything but because I feel as though he's just "part of the gang". True, he doesn't hang out with the inner circle on a regular basis, but on the occasions that he does, I just feel like he's really one of us. Not only that, but after staying at their apartment so many times, I've gotten to know Jay and have come to care for him just as I do Chris and the rest of the gang. He's been very kind and hospitable every time I've stayed at their apartment. He truly is a great guy.

Lori and Cindi: They always make me feel like part of their family whenever I'm around. I can definitely see why Cindi is referred to as the "inner circle mom". She's everything anyone would want in a mom, being able to be both motherly and a friend and confidant. She went as far as to make me my own stocking complete with stocking stuffers when I visited last Christmas. Lori even knitted me a scarf. Lori is such a sweetheart and I can't help giving her a hug every time I see her. They are both wonderful.

Liza: Everytime I've seen her, Liza has greeted me with a big hug, which makes me feel really special. She's an amazing cook and an all around sweet girl. She's invited to me to her parties and though I haven't been able to make them all, the ones I have been to have been a lot of fun. She's always the perfect hostess. There was one time in particular when I realized just what a kind-hearted person she was: It was the summer Phil broke up with me. I was in Edinboro visiting Jason. After saying good-bye to Jason, I was planning on going to Erie to visit Vicky. Vicky wasn't quite ready for me, so I decided to stay in Edinboro a bit longer and kill some time on the playground by Edinboro Lake. I couldn't help thinking about Phil and I got upset and started crying. (At that point in time I had a tendency to have frequent and random breakdowns.) I knew I needed company at that moment and I immediately thought of Liza. I showed up at her door (I think it was around 11:00 am, which is considered early by most college student standards) and despite the unannounced arrival and early hour (Liza was still in her pj's) she welcomed me into her apartment and sat down with me as I cried and talked to me and comforted me. I don't see Liza as often as I do everyone else, but I hope that when I move to Erie, I'll get to see her a lot more and get to know her better. She's definitely someone I'd like to be friends with for a long time.

Of course there's also my parents and my sister, but they're a given. This post is mostly dedicated to my Erie friends (who are practically my only friends). Thank you all for being you. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see you all again! Take care! I love you all!
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