i know it has been to long

Dec 02, 2009 00:21

ah finally got this back up now I can go on lj so I guess the only thing that I really did was go to the super fun meet up Saturday .I woke up late and hastily scooped a bowl of ice-cream before I got ready. /which is apparently crazy because some people don't believe ice cream is a healthy breakfast. ^^
sorry I wrote that last week and never finished that post so I’ll just add it to this one’s have not been on LJ for a while now because a current obsession that is way to embarrassing to be spoken of.
I am also officially broke ,yes no money ,I can just taste Christmas coming around the corner .I know that is a horrible thing and that I should be thinking about the spirit of Christmas but am so tired of being broke.
I also went shopping on black Friday, me my sister and aunt all whole up at 4:00 and only went to kohl’s for like three hours, and ihop.I was so nervous because I was in Lolita .I expect to see a lot of people from my school, but only a few people recognized me and just asked what I was wearing awkwardly. I know I shouldn’t care about these things anymore (I mean people from my school) I don't think anyone really cares, but I am just paranoid for some reason.
I am also going to try and start posting more, and making my post more intresting.So from now on I’ll do a post everyday along with a picture of the day.
I am going to sleep now GOOD~NIGHT

shopping, lolita

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