Sep 23, 2007 20:11
Today was the first day of Autumn. To celebrate the solstice, I stayed in all day again with my cold. I've been really sick since Thursday, I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it almost feels like bronchitis, which god knows I've had way too much already.
I noticed today the days are getting shorter already, I wonder how long it's been going on. when I checked, the sun sets 2 minutes earlier today than it does tomorrow. It'll be nice when it cools down, although I won't miss all the rain. It's been raining so much lately, it makes the day feel so long and depressing. It amazes me how many people on campus are missing umbrellas, half of them run around with papers or books over their heads and the other half just stroll about leisurely as if the rain wasn't there to begin with. I've also noticed that I'm too tall for my umbrella, every time I use it, the bottoms of my legs get wet. I wonder if this happen to everyone.
School is going alright. As is work, minus me missing so many days due to the cold. I do miss going home, though. work has eaten up a lot of time I would have spent going home. I can't wait until I can go home again to see my parents. being home alone (even if I'm not, it feels like it when Jeff's sucked into his newest game, Team Fortress 2, which was just released a few days ago, so Jeff's logging as many hours as possible) and sick has made me feel terribly lovely in this city. Even Stephanie's been busy with her new boyfriend. The city's just too big with too many strange people in it. I need to be somewhere smaller where I know people. where when i go out, I'm almost certain to run into someone, like when I got back home. I can't go out anywhere back home without running into a friend or two. I suppose I'll just have to wait until then.