
Aug 03, 2005 03:03

i just now got those proofs in the mail for our pictures from graduation. it was postmarked july 28, and it said they needed to be ordered by july 27. craziness

my pre-college to do list is too long.

jonathan coffield! *shakes fist* lol.

um bonnie...i can still see it, it hasn't gone away...

man, i went by my grandma's house today and she wasn't there, she was at church! that made me sad. i talked to my aunt pam a little though. i never thought before how much i'm going to miss my family, just my friends. but i realized i'm going to miss the luxury of going to my grandma's on any given sunday and eat amazing food and talk to all my loud mexican family. =(
this is of course not helped by the fact that there's like, 3 other mexicans on

tenors...*shakes head*...

wow this is increadibly random...but it is 3 in the

man i went to brook mays today to get some staffed...staved...(?) paper for school, and piano lessons and such. and i realized just how much of a music nerd i am. oh also, their fender guitars were a couple hundred...their keyboards were like, $700- $1,200! what is that about?

doctor this morning...standard physical stuff for school, plus tb skin test. oh and she wants me to get bloodwork done on thursday when i come back to get my tb test read. *shudders* i've never had blood drawn, and i've been avoiding it...and i don't technically have to get it i'm really trying to fight not to. you have no idea how much i hate needles...

oh and apparently i'm a-symmetrical...although as my mom pointed out not enough so that she didn't notice the last 18

i want to be taller...5'5" is too short for me...

why can't i be happy with my short/fat mexican genes?

still no housing stuff...but what else is new?

this is pretty long for not having said anything particularly significant...

2 weeks...*happy dance*
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