Jul 10, 2007 15:19
Did you miss me?? I haven't updated in a while, not because I was too lazy, but because there was really not much of interest going on in my world. I've been training for the marathon, and so far i've done up to 10 miles (woohoo!!!) and i'm really proud of what i've done so far. I'm feeling stronger every run and while it still feels like a HUGE challenge, it doesn't seem impossible to me anymore that in December I will be running 26.2 miles in Hawaii.
The next 24 hours for me are going to be a little nuts, and I probably won't be sleeping much.
As some of you know, i'm taking a couple of classes this summer at the UCLA extension in the writer's program. The two classes I am taking this summer are a general creative writing class and a Writing For Children class. I have my first creative writing class tonight and i'm all kinds of excited and nervous. It's been a long time since i've had those 'first day of school' jitters. I'm excited for the new adventure and to meet new people and to have some structure/motivation to write. For the first time in my life, i'm looking forward to homework. I have a lot of ideas but I get overwhelmed and don't know how/where to focus. Hopefully this class will help me sort all of that out. I'm also really nervous and anxious to see where the other people in the class are in their writing. I'm hoping that I won't be the only somewhat novice in the room. I don't know if some of them will have tons of stuff already written, maybe even published. I just can't wait to get through that first class!!!! I'm such a nerd too, wondering will the other students have laptops with them, or will they kick it old-school with a notebook and pen? are they bringing writing samples? nobody told me to bring any writing samples!!! are they going to be much younger than me? Older than me?? I'm bringing notebook and pen, as well as my laptop, cleverly placed in a nike running backpack, so if nobody else has a laptop, i don't look like supergeek.
Anyway, after I get back from my class tonight, which ends at 10, I will have about an hour window of opportunity to pack (more on that in a minute) and then Gay White Oprah and I are off to a 12:25am showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I JUST finished re-reading (and listening to it on cd in the car) the 5th book last night, so I am primed and ready for this movie!!! Now I will being devouring book #6, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I read it when it came out, but I wanted to refresh my memory of the 5th and 6th books before the 7th and final installment comes out on the 21st.
Ok, so the movie is at 12:25 and is 2 hours and 18 minutes. I will be getting home at around 3am and at about 5am I will be headed to Burbank airport where I will be flying standby on a 6:45am flight to Phoenix and ultimately to Orlando. I'm on my way home for the funeral of my Great Aunt Rose. While it is very sad that this lovely woman who meant a great deal to everyone in our family is gone, it is not a total shock. She suffered from Alzheimer's Disease and has been deteriorating over the past few years to the point where she was unrecognizable and didn't know her own family.
My cousin FlyMama works for an airline as a flight attendant (and has two little girls, hence her name) and booked me on a buddy fare home, but this means I have to fly standby and there is a very good chance that I won't be able to get on the connecting flight from Phoenix to Orlando. My day tomorrow looks a little something like this:
5am-ish: leave for Burbank airport (flying standby, so carry-on only!!! EEEK!)
6:45am: depart Burbank for Phoenix
now - Best case scenario
Change planes in Phoenix and fly to Orlando arriving at 4:12PM (did i mention i'm starting this journey at 5am?)
worst case scenario
The flight from Phoenix to Orlando is pretty crowded. If I don't get on that flight, I then fly from Phoenix to Philly, change planes AGAIN, and arrive in Orlando at 9:40PM. JEALOUS????
Hopefully I will get some sleep on at least one of these flights, as the next few days are going to be pretty hectic, with family members flying in, the funeral, etc. I'm even going to try to get some running in while at home (gotta keep up the training!). Oh yeah...and i'm sure i'll have a writing assignment. Did I mention i'll be in FL for a week, so I will be back the afternoon of my next class.
Deep breath.
Who needs sleep???
i'm sure i'll have time at the airport (any one of 'em) tomorrow to let you know all about Harry Potter (don't worry, no spoilers) and my first day of school!!!!! I promise I'm back for real this time!!!