My birthday rules. It kicks ass. I was born on 1 November 1983, which was a Wendesday. The fact that it was 1983 is quite relevant, given this new appreciation for everything 80's that people seem to have now.
I typed in "1 November 1983" on Google and this picture came up. I don't know what it means. Perhaps I need someone to force water in my mouth.
I've had some good birthdays. When I was 9 my father worked in The Red Jacket Inn as a cook and his friend was a pastry chef. I forced her to make me an ORANGE CAKE for my birthday. That's right, a cake that tastes like oranges. Orange frosting. Orange cake. Orange everything. My dad's friend really laboured over it and stuff, and I recall her mentioning that I might not be able to have this cake, due to the fact that most people don't eat orange cakes. But then I totally got the cake! It was good!
Also, when I turned 18 I skipped school and felt like a badass.
When I turned 5 someone gave me a RAINCOAT as a present. Why? I was pissed off, and there is a famous photograph of me in said raincoat, sitting on the couch all mad and stuff. Who gives someone a raincoat for their birthday?! I mean really, people!
I did get that game Pizza Party, which kicks ass. That game rules.
I also happen to share some birthdays with some coolio people:
-Matt Chapman (of Homestar Runner fame)
-Larry Flynt (my favourite pervert)
-Anthony Keidis (Of RHCP)
-Jenny McCarthy (oh goodness why)
-Some guy called "Gary Player", whom I believe played golf at some point during history.
My birthday is a professional ass-kicker and is better than yours.