Jan 10, 2006 17:27
Why do people have to be so fucking stupid and fuck up their life....they fucking have sex with everyone....dont have sex with someone until you are in a relationship or you love someone...I am fucking tired of this shit....people throw their lives away because of sex and other bullshit like drugs and alcohol....because I guess that it makes them feel good about themselves....but what they dont realize that it fucks them up and they get all depressed later down the line....I am here for all my friend and I would do anything for them, but when they ask me for advice and they dont take it and keep doing the shit that they have been doing then fucking them...dont fucking bother me anymore about this shit....I know I am not the greatest person in the world I have hurt alot of people in my life and fucked people over and I am sorry for that....nobody is perfect...but people that do that shit to make themselves feel wanted to think that they are cool, well to tell you the truth they are fucking retarded......People need to realize that their is more to life then that....I have been threw alot lately and I have changed alot and I finally realized who my true friends and who are the fucking fakers and just fucking use me to get to other people....well I am tired of bitching......peace out.....