Feb 15, 2006 22:16
Everyone. . .I'm done, again. I'm done with guys. There have only been two that I loved and all the rest have just been a waste of time, with lots of good memories. There are probably 3 or 4 guys that would love to go out with me right now, but I don't want any of them. There's no chemistry. . .nothing. . .Zip. . .zero. . .nada. I think I'll just stick with my dreams and fantasies. They may leave me longing for a physical touch like a kiss on the lips or feeling arms wrapped around me, but it's easier and better than what I've got. I know I constantly swear off guys, but. . . .it's just so hard. I'm not very patient. There is someone, but he's with someone else and understand that. I had my chance and I blew it. I'll be fine, but I won't stop hoping or wishing or sitting by the phone waiting for his calls.
With that said and done. Everyone the next time I talk to Dave I'll speak plainly and frankly. No more saying words that I hope he understands. He said he did before but apparently he did not. There you go, just so you know what is to come in the future.