Jan 03, 2011 07:42
See, I have this WIP fic. It's a Vampire Knight fic, and I've been writing it for the last three months, yet I still haven't wrapped it up. I know how I want it to end. I know how I want it to begin. I know how I want it to flow in the middle.
The thing is, I'm still agonizing over whether it would be better to use the third-person POV or the second-person one. I know most people are more comfortable in reading in third-person, since it offers wider perspective than self-centered POV of the first-person and second-person. I, myself, love the second person narrative, since it offers me a blank space to fill. It's like, a set of instruction to be more deeply involved in the story. And I love, love, LOVE it. It's, admittedly, rather...challenging. Either it's done well, or it's terrible. There's no middle ground. And that's why I love it, I think.
On the other hand, I hate, hate hate HATE first person POV. I run from it. Even if an impressive number of people recced a story said to be wonderful, if I find it using a first person POV, well, instant backspace is to be expected. From me. That's just how much I hate it.
Well. It seems more people would actually do instant backspacing if it was a second-person narrative, than the first-person one. Which is why I'm still undecided whether to use a third-person or second-person POV.
What's your preference? Which POV is most comfortable with you when reading a story? :)