Title: Best friend ever Author: Yaya Pairing: Ariyama Genre: friendship, slight angst? Rating: PG A/N: Yeah I know, I left the plot for you. Well, I didn't want to write an over long answer, so I left the story there. Please enjoy reading!
[I should understand you] Daiki's breath stoped hearing the words of his best friend. He sat up suddenly. From Yamada's gasp he knew he shocked him, but he ignored it and began to talk. "Why did you thank me? Why did you apologize? It was me who wasn't a good friend because I always questioned you and always bothered you. I should be the one thanking you for always being by my side, for always distracting me from my dark thoughts. I should be the one apologizing. I should be the one to understand you best. I'm sorry for being blind. You are the best friend ever." While he was talking Daiki went to Ryosuke, sat down at his side and took his hand. When Daiki looked into Ryosuke's eyes, they were full of tears. Yamada opened his mouth, but Daiki gently put a finger onto his lips, stopping him from speaking. "It's okay. Don't say anything now. Go to sleep... Your head must hurt." Yamada nodded: "Thank you, Dai-chan." Then he closed his eyes, falling asleep with Daiki holding his hand. Daiki fell asleep not long after.
That's how the rest of JUMP found them when they wanted to visit Yamada. "Seems like they are good with each other now" Inoo smiled at the sight of the two of them. "Maybe... I don't think that they actually talked about their problem. They never do. They are always forgetting their problems. But I don't think this is a problem that is easily forgotten since Yama-chan was really depressed..." Yabu said, not really happy with the current situation. "You're right... Although they are good with each other again, it still doesn't explain why Yamada was so down lately" Keito agreed.