Title: Penguins on ice Pairing: AriYama Genre: fluff Rating: PG Author: Mi A/N Minna-san, what do you think of the new layout? It’s not Christmas anymore, but it’s still winter, ne? And I also organized the index in a different way now. It’s a proper grid now. :) Anyways, I was inspired to do this fic when Yaya and I went ice skating on Wednesday. It was the second time, but the first time was three years ago, so it still felt like first time and I’m just such a failer. I couldn’t do it at all >.< But I didn’t fall because Yaya held my hand all the time. The day after her arm hurt like hell from always having to catch me when I slipped. I’m still so sorry.. And this penguin thingy really exists, at least in Germany ;) if you don't know what I mean, it looks like this
[No it's not]It was a beautiful winter day. Not too cold to spend time outside, but not too warm to make the snow melt. The sky was blue and there wasn’t a single cloud to cover the bright color. “Ne, Dai-chan, what are we going to do today?” Ryosuke asked his boyfriend. Both of them had a day off and Daiki spontaneously decided to spend this day together since they don’t really have free time a lot. They were in Daiki’s room with Ryosuke sitting on the bed while Daiki looked out the window. “The weather is great, so why don’t we go outside? Maybe we could..” Daiki paused to think. Followed by Ryosuke’s eyes he went to his dresser and searched it for something. When he found what he was looking for he turned to his boyfriend with a bright smile and announced happily: “We’re going ice-skating!” With his skates in his hand he sat next to Ryosuke on the bed and tried them on. After confirming that they still had the right size Daiki noticed that his boyfriend didn’t say anything yet. “Ryosuke?” He looked at his boyfriend’s pale face. “Ano… you know, I’ve never done this before.. and..” Ryosuke mumbled and turned his head away to hide his embarrassment when he suddenly felt arms around him. Daiki softly pulled him into a hug from behind and rested his head on his shoulder, looking at Ryosuke’s face. “Don’t worry, Ryo-chan. I’ll hold you tight so that you won’t fall down” he said lovingly. “But I don’t want to force you if you don’t want” Daiki pecked the other’s cheek quickly before he let go of him to take of his skates again but he was stopped when Ryosuke took his hand. “But I want to. Let’s go, Dai-chan!” the latter said with a shy smile. Not long after they arrived at the ice rink they already stood on the ice. Well, to say Daiki stood on the ice, trying to persuade Ryosuke to follow him. Holding out both of his hands to his scared boyfriend he said “Ryosuke, you’ll be fine, trust me! It’s just like in-line skating. Now don’t tell me you can’t do that because we do it nearly every day-off in summer!” But Daiki only saw the other shaking his head. “It’s not! Ice is way more slippery than a street” “Okay, you’re right. But the movements are the same, really. Come on already” losing his patience he grabbed Ryosuke’s hands and pulled him all the way on the ice and immediately caught him in his arms, preventing him from falling. “Dai-chan!” Ryosuke freed himself from the hug to be able to complain properly about his boyfriend’s behavior when he realized where he was. Daiki, taking his chance of Ryosuke not doing anything, took his hands again and started to skate backwards, pulling the other with him. Together they slowly moved on the ice and Daiki could read on Ryosuke’s face that he started to like the feeling. “Try to move your feet a little, Ryo-chan” he told him, but as soon as the other obliged their rhythms didn’t match anymore. This made Ryosuke feel irritated and losing his concentration he slipped, making him fall into Daiki’s arms again. Being all embarrassed he didn’t dare to look at the others face. Instead he watched some little children having fun while cuddling into Daiki’s scarf. They had small figures with skids to cling on when they were about to fall. Realizing that they were shaped like penguins he laughed, making Daiki look at him. “Why do you laugh?” He looked into the same direction like Ryosuke, seeing the figures the children used. He pushed Ryosuke away from him a little, making him stand properly again, but he never let go of his hands. With a nod of his head to the children he asked with a smile “Do you want one? It’s a bit too small for you though” Ryosuke shook his head and wrapped his arms around Daiki’s shoulders. “No, I’m fine with my own personal penguin” Their eyes met and Daiki was immediately caught in the others warm, brown orbs. Not paying attention to where they were going Daiki didn’t notice the wall coming nearer and nearer until his back crashed against it, startling him like hell and making Ryosuke bump into him. But still he can’t look away from his boyfriend’s eyes. Daiki lovingly caressed his cheek before he pressed his cold lips on Ryosuke’s. Pulling back, he whispered “I love you”. Ryosuke’s face went all red, but he answered with a silent “I love you too” before he closed the few inches between their faces again.
Yaya's Note: I'm sorry Mi-chan, I know it's your post, but I just have to say something. Only for your information, minna, I'm not as good in ice-skating as Mi described it. I'm just able to hold my balance enough to stand properly on the ice. Well, since I love every kind of skating I'm used to it. But I still can't do something like skating backwards. And Mi didn't do that bad. I actually only had to hold onto her hand, but I'm sure she could do it alone if she would be forced to do so. I think she just felt secure with a hand to hold onto. I did to when I learnt skating with my mom. So, to sum up, Mi did quite well ice-skating, whereas I'm not that good at it too. I'm sorry again for writing into you post without permission!
Mi's Note 2: my my, Yaya. I never said you can skate backwards. I only said that you held my hand