.........aaaaaaaand, we're back.
So, the band got it's first three pieces of press. One is from an online indie mag called Delusions of Adequacy. The girl who reviewed us didn't write the clearest review, but from what we gathered, she didn't like us because she thinks we're named after the first GetUpKids album (which we're fucking not) but sound nothing like them. *confused* Whatever.......
Then, our friend Mikey from Fenway Park wrote us this AWESOME article for the Berkeley newspaper. I don't know if it's in there yet or what, but it was SO flattering and encouraging. Mikey rocks.
Then, from the Gilman show, these two girls Holly and Shannon wrote us this
super sweet email after our show. It was really nice. It's so encouraging to be getting positive feedback in light of how much work as a band we feel we need. HUGE HUGS to all involved. Thanks.
So, shows seem to be falling into place really well for the band. We just got two sweet shows, one with
The Velvet Teen, and one with
Low Flying Owls. We also got a show on Stanford radio, a possible Orange County show, and some other good shows possibly in the works. Carey decided for the show next week, which falls on his birthday, we're going to cover Jane's Addiction's "Mountain Song". We nailed it in 2 takes. Easiest episode ever.
Angela is hanging out with Shawna down in Newport Beach. It shouldn't bother me, but it does.
Talked (well, IMed) to
riotnotdiet the other day. She's AWESOME, truly a renaissance woman. I can't wait to talk to her again. Also got to talk to
maya12 again. Prettiest voice ever. I haven't been on AOL in weeks. I also talked to
katiekutthroat's ex. He's a cool guy. His band fucking rocks like nobody's business. Haven't talked to Katie in awhile though. She's great, I hope she's ok.
htotheizzo, your new mix is in the mail....
Speaking of rock, we saw Finch/the Starting Line/Brand New/Autopilot Off last night. I must say, Finch fucking eats shit live. I was hoping they were just having a bad night, but as the set went on, it began to appear that they were in their usual habits. Horribly out of tune, sloppy as fuck, way too loud. The only bands that were worthwhile were Autopilot Off and Brand New. BN put on a hell of a show....We got Greg
fourswords out to that show, I LOVE hanging out with that guy....
I need to get the fuck out of dodge. Seattle to see Bill, or LA to see Geoff.
Star Wars Episode II is FUCKING AMAZING LOOKING. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise. They do not have your best intentions at heart.
I feel like I need to meet new people, but I never get to hang out with the friends I have. I should fix that...
That brings tonight's broadcast to a close. Thank you very much, and good night....