Quick weight update

Mar 12, 2009 10:56

Haven't had one of these for ages. At the start of the year I went to the dietician, and according to her scales I was 93 kg. Last night at the gym I used the scales there and my weight was 89.6 Kg (or 14 stone dead on), the lowest my weight's been since, um, probably when Michael Howard was home secretary and I still had to wear a school uniform. At the end of last year I cheated the scales slightly and was massively dehydrated, but this time was just a normal week. I've also lost an inch off my waist since Christmas, and 14" overall (from 48" to 34"). No longer obese, only overweight and a lot of that is muscle. I'm working on cutting weight for a possible fight in May and my targets are:
Threshold: 87 kg
Target: 86 kg
Stretch: 83 kg

At this rate I could reach my target by the end of the month, and reaching my stretch target means I'll be 50kg down. My final target is 80kg and I'm not sure I'll have anything much left to lose once I get there.

weight loss

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