Oct 11, 2005 13:48
im in computers again, this is all i do in here.
i just saw pictures of my lovely caroline in her amazing dress and im totally jelous and upset and i miss her more then the world because we havent hung out in forever and i love her and miss her dearly, and i hope she sees this because i love her and i thank her for everything shes done for me and let me talk to her and being silly with her and stuff, this is mushy. ♥
i love everyone right now actually, a good good mood. im gonna go hoem and listen to some goo goo dolls because its makes me happy to be alive. kthxbye, caroline say that =[
on the happier note im hanging out with the dearest kara after school today and though i didnt go to homeocmming i had an amazing time getting stranded in NSB with Christie and Kalee, we stayed at kaYlees house because we had no where else to go and thats the night i fell in mad loveeee with Rjs lexus =[ oh dear, i want it. oh dear, oh dear.
goodbye for now loves!
i wanted a freakin tag.