May 01, 2006 08:19
Type your cut contents here. 1. Second grade teacher's name: Mrs. Mims
2. Last person you kissed: Guy
3. Last word you said: sad
4. Last song you sang: Ice Ice Baby. . haha!
5. Last person you hugged: Uhmmm. . Charlie.
6. Last thing you laughed at: Something Emily Bailey said.
7. What's in your CD player: Not sure. . but I know BSB is.
9. What socks are you wearing: None, I'm wearing flip flops!
10. What's under your bed: Extra pillows, shoes.
11. Current status: Uhhh, don't want to go there.
12. Current taste: Orbit gum.
13. Current hair style: Long and layered.
14. Current clothes: Pink bermuda shorts, teal tank top, jean jacket.
15. Current Job: Uhh, don't have one.
16. Current longing: A Dr. Pepper.
17. Current desktop picture: Some pink flower thingy.
18. Current worry: Uhmm, not sure.
19. Current hate: People that talk crap.
20. Story behind your username: I was annoyed when I made it and when I'm being sarcastic it's something I say.
21. Current favorite article of clothing: Uhmmm. . Hollister skirt!
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: Eyes and smile.
23. Last CD that you bought: No idea whatsoever.
24. Favorite place to be: Beach or in bed sleeping.
25. Least favorite place: School.
26. Time you wake up in the morning: School days, between 5 and 6.
27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be?: Uhmm, guitar.
29. Current favorite word/saying: I don't really have one. .
30. Favorite book: Gossip Girl series!
31. Favorite Movies: Blue Crush, Aladdin, and Grease.
32. Favorite Songs: N/A
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Uhmm. . honestly that requires too much thought right now.
35. Favorite day: My birthday!
36. Where do you want to go: tanning.
37. What is your career going to be: Whatever I end up being!
39. What kind of car will you have: No idea.
40. A random lyric: Uhhh?
41. Eye Color: Brown.
42. Hair Color: Dirty blonde.
43. Righty or Lefty: Righty.
45. Zodiac Sign: Cancer.
46.Innie or Outtie: Innie.
47. Your heritage: Canadian French, Swedish, Cherokee, a bunch of stuff. .
48. The shoes you wore today: Steve Madden Tourists.
49. Your hair: Long, blonde, and layered.
50. Your weakness: Chocolate and Redbull.
51. Your fears: Snakes that strike.
52. Your most recent secret?: None of your business!
Why is there no 53? Because you deleted the question number.
54. Your thoughts first waking up: I want to go back to bed!
55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Smile and eyes.
56. Your bedtime: eventually.
57. Your most missed companion: Uhh. . next question.
58. Your perfect pizza: extra cheese!
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: sweet and chewy.
60. Single or group dates: Both.
61. Dogs or Cats: Cats.
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea.
63. Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.
64. Cappuccino or coffee?: Cappucino.
65. Smoke: Never have, never will.
66. Curse: Nope, at least I make a point of not trying to.
67. Sing: I love to sing!
68. Take a shower everyday: Duh!
69. Have a crush: Yeah.
71. Think you've been in love: Yes.
72. Want to go to college: Definitely!
73. Want more than what you got: Don't we all? But I'm content.
74. Want to get married: Yes!
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Yeah, I had business last year.
76. Think you're attractive: Yeah, I get called conceited a lot for thinking that.
77. Think you're a health freak: Def. not!
78. Get along with your parents: Uhh, I'm starting to. .
79. Play an instrument: Yup.
80. drink: Everyone drinks, duh!
81. Smoke: Nope.
82. Done a drug: Nope.
83. Made Out: Nope.
84. Go on a date: Nope.
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, but I have ate Oreos.
86. Eaten sushi: No, almost yesterday!
87. Been dumped: Nope.
88. Made homemade cookies: Nope, I have cooked though.
89. Been in love: . . .
90. Gone skinny dipping: No.
91. Dyed your hair: No.
92. Stolen anything: Nope.
93. Had too much to drink: No.
94. Been caught cheating: No.
95. Been called a tease: Yes.
96. Gotten beaten up: Yes.
97. Changed who you were to fit in: Nope.
98. Cried at something beautiful: No.
99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need?: I think everyone has at least once. .
1OO. Cried when someone died: Definitely.