Nov 10, 2005 09:24
I have moved back to Cambridge and currently resident with my parents.
Finally all unpacked and such.
Do I regret my time in Clevedon.. No. Not at all. Sure things didn't work out, And i've come away with a few lessons learnt. I am not going to hang on to thoughts of things that went wrong. The main thing in my opinion is to learn from every situation. And I believe I have.
I know I've made mistakes and perhaps should have spoken to AP regarding my feelings and that I had *some* feelings for someone else. But I guess to be honest, I was so scared of loosing my home, that it clouded my mind. Fear is a scary thing.
Regardless, nothing I can do about it. I do respect APs decision to ask me to leave and I can see why he may not want to live with me because I didn't tell him exactly what was going on. *paws up* I own up to it. Time to grow up and admit to mistakes. Thats not to say AP was innocent, He really hurt me but i believe those things should be between myself and him. I honestly believe we have both learnt. And I would quite like to meet up with Anthro again after a few weeks of cooling down.
I would honestly like to have the opportunity to build a good friendship in the long run.
I think its adult and one should admit their mistakes. Then one can learn, Do what they can to help the consequences. And be a better person.
Comments welcome.