Nov 11, 2004 01:36
It has been brought to my attention that I need to make my posts more manly. And less sappy, and less of food. Ok, so here we go. Today I talked to the girl down the hall from me, who is mad hott. Nothing will ever come of that, but oh well. I got some new pairs of Levis. They are an awesome jean. Looked at some car ads online, and found out that the 05 mustangs start at only 18,500. Pretty sweet, hunh? That's just for the v6 tho. Oh well. You want more pwr, you gotta spend more money. Speakin of power, and money, has anybody tried Guiness Beer? I heard it's alright from some ppl, and also heard that it tastes like ass/ So, who's tried it, tell me what it's like. Oh, and staying true to my manlyness, I will get nachos sometime in the future while attending a hockey event. So, there you have it. Now, I'm gonna log some mad sleep hrs. Peace
Mad Mizzle