Jan 20, 2005 17:11
havent updated in two days wow seems a long time since i update like twice a day.....yesterday was ca-razy but fun. did the whole school thing and took alot of tests then volleyball offseason was canceled and my dad wasnt gonna pick me up till four and there was no way he cud get to school early cuz he's way down at juvi court so i was gonna get a ride home from cassie then realized i didnt have my house keys(not smart) and that the "hidden key" wasnt in its place the last time i checked soooooooo i got ashley daniel to take me to my mom's work since they live near it....and i love going there cuz it's so pretty and they have the BEST sandwich shop in the world called FOOZI'S, so i went up to her floor and scared her to death haha cuz i had forgot to call her and tell her i was coming to her work and when i realized that i panicked cuz what if she hadnt been therE? she mita been at home and what a waste of time. so then i stay there and eat do homework for a whiile then realized we have to go down to the MED down in midtown and it was so scary there im not joking. i have never seen people act that way i guess ive never seen people that high before my my it was weird. and the patients in the hospital were smoking too why wud u do that!! i dont know it was sad.....so we go down there and run around the place trying to get the info we needed and finally got outta there and came home and decided to go to the spa to work out all the "tension" so that ended on a good note.............i like days like that when u dont know what comes up next and then the end result is fascinating
so today was really fun and i cant wait till tomorrow. i love thursdays they're my favorite day of the week, i think cuz of the anticipation of friday and a fun weekend i dunno. i went to the dentist and when we got down i saw brandon mundie out in the waiting room how funny so we just sat and talked while my mom finished up everything....was really funny talking about old church memories....anyways so now im here and it's still light outside and it's what 5:30!! awesome! i just want it to snow! well, i better go do literature and finish up that study guide thing and read but brandon said that mrs. phipps told him we're not having a quiz tomorrow over the reading material just discussion in class. what a relief. so farewall!