FIC: Eyes That Were Burning Like Fire

Dec 27, 2007 23:46

Title: Eyes That Were Burning Like Fire (Rec this?)
Author: Mhari
Fandom: The Mark of Solomon/Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Pinako, Telemakos, Turunesh, Medraut
Rating: G
Words: 100
Disclaimer: Wein's and Arakawa's, variously. I'm just playing.
Summary: Pinako's new patient is strangely familiar.
Notes/Warnings: Dedicated to Miss S. G., whose fault this is entirely.

"One year."

Pinako stares at the boy, who stares back with fierce blue eyes, strange in his brown face. She recognizes the look.

"That's unlikely," she says dryly. "I've known grown men take four or five."

"I'll do it."

"Telemakos," his mother says, her soft voice carefully steady. "Love, if the doctor--"

The boy's one hand clenches on the edge of the bench. His eyes don't leave Pinako's. "My sister needs me."

Ah. Pinako looks at the mother; at the father standing grim-faced by the door. "If your parents agree."

The man lets go a harsh breath.

Shakily, Telemakos smiles.

character: pinako, fandom: fullmetal alchemist, character: telemakos, fandom: weinverse, category: crossover, category: drabble, category: gen

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